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Domestic Terrorism and America’s Gun Dilemma

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:45 pm
by VMI77 ... un-dilemma

The gun grabbers and leftoids hate us. Negotiation or compromise is not possible. And all they have is insults and lies.
For citizens of such a rich and (hitherto) stable country to be arming themselves at this rate is collective insanity.
This is their end game.....making millions of us "pariahs." Then they think can can dispense of us however they see fit.
Generally speaking, there are two ways to tackle collective-action problems: through government regulation and in the establishment of social norms. Ideally, both come into play and reinforce each other. In Britain, for example, firearms laws have always been strict, and, outside of a few rural areas where hunting is popular, owning a gun is often seen as strange and anti-social. Owning an assault weapon is illegal. Anybody who suggested changing the law would be treated as a pariah.

Re: Domestic Terrorism and America’s Gun Dilemma

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:49 pm
by anygunanywhere
Let them hate us. We know who wins.