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The Truth About Gun Control

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 5:24 pm
by dcphoto
Interesting video. I haven't fact checked; I'm not sure if his use of the data is totally unbiased and I don't like the way some of his charts present data. That being said, what he presents seems well thought out and researched. I'm interested to hear other members thoughts on his presentation.

Be warned, there is some minor sexual innuendo near the beginning. Nothing that wouldn't make it into a Disney film, nor violate forum rules (I believe), but it's there so be forewarned.

Re: The Truth About Gun Control

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:50 am
by psijac ... _criticism
In 2012, the College of Psychologists of Ontario found Molyneux's spouse, a licensed psychologist, "guilty of professional misconduct" because she used Molyneux's podcast, "to counsel people to emulate her and sever ties with their families." (to deFOO) The Disciplinary panel sanctioned his wife requiring peer mentoring and cessation of activities with Stefan Molyneux's podcast in any professional aspect. Other sanctions and penalties were given as well, agreed to by his wife.

Molyneux has been sued for allegedly listening in on confidential therapy sessions conducted by his wife, without the permission of her patients. The civil complaint against Molyneux states that in a 2006 podcast, Molyneux boasted to his fans about listening in on the sessions.

Re: The Truth About Gun Control

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 9:40 pm
by dcphoto
psijac wrote: ... _criticism
In 2012, the College of Psychologists of Ontario found Molyneux's spouse, a licensed psychologist, "guilty of professional misconduct" because she used Molyneux's podcast, "to counsel people to emulate her and sever ties with their families." (to deFOO) The Disciplinary panel sanctioned his wife requiring peer mentoring and cessation of activities with Stefan Molyneux's podcast in any professional aspect. Other sanctions and penalties were given as well, agreed to by his wife.

Molyneux has been sued for allegedly listening in on confidential therapy sessions conducted by his wife, without the permission of her patients. The civil complaint against Molyneux states that in a 2006 podcast, Molyneux boasted to his fans about listening in on the sessions.
What does that have to do with the video?

Re: The Truth About Gun Control

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:16 am
by LSUTiger
Personally, I thought it was an interesting video.

The sources and methodology behind this research are available at:


The fiercely debated issue of Gun Control strongly divides Democrats and Republicans in the United States of America. The Second Amendment becomes a hot topic of conversation whenever a shooting makes the national news and tempers flare across the political spectrum. This presentation presents the available evidence regarding gun prevalence, gun homicides, gun control laws and much more in an attempt to get to the bottom of this complicated issue. What is the Truth About Gun Control?



Gun Sources

Australian Gun Control

Number of Guns


2002 State Gun Ownership and Crime
http://pediatrics.aa...0.full.pdf html

Washington, DC Crime

http://www.nytimes.c...iams, Anthony A.

CDC Gun Control Report

Crime by Race

Because of the obscure way in which the FBI reports the race and ethnicity of offenders, we had to make several approximations. First off, Hispanic data is separated from race data and is broken down to "Hispanic" or "not Hispanic" for the entire dataset. While it is safe to assume that most Hispanics were classified as white because of the colour of their skin, we didn't want to make any assumptions. To figure out the percentage of Hispanic offenders and separate it from the white, black, asian etc. race categories, we used Census data on how Hispanics identify themselves racially. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of them identify as white, and very few consider themselves black. Given the very low percentage of black Hispanics, we counted "Some Other Race" as white. Another problem with the FBI dataset was the vast number of "Unknown" reported offenders. Because we couldn't make any reasonable assumptions about the race of the unknown offenders, we used the arrest tables as a proxy for the distribution of crime by race.

International Crime Comparison


Gang Crime

2014 City Crime Data

City data from the U.S. Census Bureau:

City Crime data from the FBI: