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A Different "Common Sense" Solution

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:24 pm
by thatguyoverthere
An opinion piece on an interesting solution to the so-called "gun problem" in the US. ... index.html

Whether or not you agree with his ideas on the drug war, I believe the man has some refreshingly clear, well expressed (and correct) opinions of the lack of effectiveness of some of the current widely proposed "common sense" gun laws.

For example:
In response to tragic, yet rare, mass shootings, gun control advocates recommend some impractical solutions. Take universal background checks. The concept has two main flaws: It's overly burdensome to the point of unenforceability, and background checks are not an effective way to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.
The biggest surprise to me was seeing the article on CNN. :lol:

A brief but interesting read.