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Re: Dick Heller talks Heller III

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:53 pm
by baldeagle
This is my favorite part.
A1F: Did you ever imagine that a dozen years after the initial lawsuit, you’d still be fighting this same battle?

DH: No, as a citizen I thought it was simply you win or lose, up or down, live or die, maintain the right or have it infringed upon forever. Never in my wildest dream did I expect to be sacrificing my life—giving up my boat and airplane and other things—to continue fighting for the Second Amendment.

A1F: How hard has it been to stay the course and not just throw up your hands and say, “Forget it!”?

DH: You know, you have to put things into perspective. What if George Washington and the troops with bleeding feet in the snow had just said, “Forget it”? What if Abe Lincoln had just said, “Forget it”? We don’t have to stand in front of tanks, dodge bullets and jump into foxholes like our forefathers did. We settle all of our issues in an air-conditioned courtroom. It wasn’t an option to just say, “Forget it.” And when you look at what our forefathers went through, for some of us it’s now becoming a ministry. Because it wasn’t just a simple win or lose. They’re going to fight us hook and nail forever because they’re communists. They want control. The only way they’re going to get it is to take over the medical system and grab our guns. And then crime still does not go down. Look at what happened in Australia after their gun ban. In 1997, when guns were banned and they were confiscated, “bought back” or turned in, the homicides had only a 10-percent reduction. And then the increase in club and knife murders more than made up for that 10-percent gun homicide decline. Source: AIC—Australian Institute of Criminology.
Nice to meet someone who doesn't think twice about making personal sacrifices to stand up for our rights.

Re: Dick Heller talks Heller III

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 10:18 am
by puma guy
A man of principles. Something rarely found in DC politicians or Capitol Hill these days.