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A liberal who GETS gun rights and gun politics....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:35 pm
by The Annoyed Man ... -anti.html
It's not NRA lobbying blocking new anti-gun laws - it's grassroots voters and gun owners

Recently Obama again attacked the NRA for no new laws being passed in the wake of shootings where the shooters had no previous red flags and had passed background checks and had used handguns. It's the NRA's fault that these tragedies couldn't be exploited to expand background checks to isolated private sales and an "assault weapons ban" on semiautomatic sporting rifles.

What this ignores is that the NRA doesn't have that much money. What it has is the support of a very large section of the voters. Many gun owners aren't members of the NRA. I'm not. Many more members got their membership because it's packaged free with most new gun sales. But we're voters who care about much the same things that the NRA cares about.

We're also not lying about poll numbers. There was a poll that claimed 90% of Americans "support background checks", so how was it possible that the Manchin-Toomey bill could have failed? Well, 90% of Americans do support some background checks. Probably most background checks. I have no problem with a background check for buying a gun from a dealer or from an FFL. But it's impossible to have what are called "universal background checks", the expansion of background checks to private intrastate transfers, without a gun registry. As I've pointed out before. And that's why Manchin-Toomey failed. Gun owners knew about this problem with the bill, and called their Senators and their Representatives. That's also why support for "background checks" fell so rapidly.
I imagine that I would disagree with this guy on a lot of other issues, but on gun rights and the lies told by the left about gun owners, poll numbers, background checks, and the NRA, he seems pretty right on.

Re: A liberal who GETS gun rights and gun politics....

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2015 6:31 pm
by RoyGBiv
Its a ruse. Don't know what for,but, Semper Vigilans. :biggrinjester:

Re: A liberal who GETS gun rights and gun politics....

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:29 am
by Glockster
NRA memberships are packaged free with most new gun purchases??? Someone owes me about 20 years of membership then! :anamatedbanana

Re: A liberal who GETS gun rights and gun politics....

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 9:50 am
by VMI77
"rlol" Good article, but pro-gun liberals bring two Samuel Johnson quotes to mind:

1) " a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all." The not done well part doesn't apply here, but the "surprised to find it done at all" part does.

2) In regards to the hope of finding pro-gun liberals, as Johnson said of second marriages "--the triumph of hope over experience."