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Is America Unique Regarding Mass Shootings?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 8:39 pm
by baldeagle
In a word, no. ... nd-europe/

The problem is, America has a population of over 330 million people. Compared on the basis of population, there are several countries with higher frequencies of mass shootings. ... nd-europe/

If you look at the frequency of mass shooting attacks per million people, there are nine countries, including Switzerland, with a higher frequency than the US.

If you look at the annual death rate from mass shootings per million people, there are seven countries, including Finland and Belgium, with higher death rates than the US.

In order to compare US mass shootings to other countries, you have to include enough countries to match the US population, but that is subject to cherry picking. So comparing rates per million eliminates the possibility of cherry picking.

Re: Is America Unique Regarding Mass Shootings?

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 11:47 pm
by C-dub
Thanks for that Baldeagle. That is very timely. I'm currently debating a few folks on FB who actually believe what BHO and others have said and this article addresses.

Re: Is America Unique Regarding Mass Shootings?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:31 am
by DEB
Our Nation is actually quite safe, except for those large Democratic controlled cities. The Media and the Gun Control Politicians keep stoking the fire and obfuscating the truth. I am starting to believe that the old Editors of Pravda found jobs here after the Soviet Union fell. Now I go to any site or Main Stream News Media outlet and all I see is the anti-gun/anti-freedom cabal's message. They photo shop pictures of perpetrators, the Justice Department obscures Crime Statistics, so that certain groups are not overly represented. Our Government sells firearms to Mexican Criminals, just to show that it is the guns of the U.S. that is causing their problems, and though this have caused untold deaths and suffering. I have just about lost hope. Currently, Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right.

We don't teach our youth to fight back, we would rather see them die in large numbers. I will get off my high horse now. I am just disgusted with this Nation and its total loss of direction, except the Communist direction. Lenin wrote that the first act in the revolution of the Proletariat is to make them lose any hope, lose their religion and only see the Socialist Model as their salvation. I can see that effort now.

Re: Is America Unique Regarding Mass Shootings?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:03 am

Re: Is America Unique Regarding Mass Shootings?

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:02 am
by bigity
Macedonia is still a country?

Wow, I guess you still learn something every day.