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How they got their guns for mass murder

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:28 pm
by philip964 ... .html?_r=0

It shows how the recent mass shooters got their weapons. It is by the New York Times, in my view it was concise well written and did not distort the facts. That is my view, you may see it differently. I was somewhat surprised, it did not seem to editorialize, but simply give the background on each killer and their criminal and mental backgrounds before purchasing the guns. It also seemed to list the type of gun used with depending on your view, either scary or beautiful photos of each weapon.

It appears that you could use this as a reference article as it has dates, location, guns, shooter name, and number of victims.

In most cases it seems that the killer purchased the guns for the mass murder, rather than being a long time gun owner.

One wonders now that the father has blamed the guns for the Oregon murders, why would family members loan guns to a person that had obvious mental problems. Or why would a mother allow a son who lived with her and who she supported, provide the money to purchase so many firearms.