Re: Gun-free zones are magnets for murderers - Lott
Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:31 am
Good article. If we had zero gun free zones we may soon run out of victims to parade about for reducing whatever Liberties we have left.
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In light of this and In my opinion, the theater's no-gun policy should be considered a contributing factor and they should be held partially liable.Out of seven theaters showing the “Batman” movie premiere within 20 minutes of the suspect’s apartment, only one banned permitted concealed handguns – and that is the one he attacked.
I agree. The right to Property should be left entirely to the Property Owner without intrusion from any entity or State. If a Property Owner removes the right to exist from his patrons he should take reasonable measures to ensure the safety of those patrons. I would put this in the same category as a cruise ship leaving a port loaded with people with a known hole in it and a bilge pumping the water out full throttle. That cruise ship owner would be liable and held accountable when the ship sinks. The "societal illusion of perceived safety" in these United States would probably never find that the theatre owner violated any ones rights since they posted a sign saying "no guns allowed". Many people call this no gun sign "reasonable measures to ensure safety" when it's the complete opposite. The media and State have done a very good job of brainwashing our Society into an automatic reaction of fear when seeing a firearm.rp_photo wrote:In light of this and In my opinion, the theater's no-gun policy should be considered a contributing factor and they should be held partially liable.Out of seven theaters showing the “Batman” movie premiere within 20 minutes of the suspect’s apartment, only one banned permitted concealed handguns – and that is the one he attacked.
Perhaps a few lawsuits of this type will teach properties owners and their insurers that there is also liability risk in banning concealed carriers.
Also, define what are "reasonable measures". I'm sure what you think is reasonable others will think they are unreasonable.If a Property Owner removes the right to exist from his patrons