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Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:50 am
by b322da
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:07 am
by mojo84
Full of idiocy.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:23 am
by joe817
Nonsense. Just utter nonsense. He's only a blogger with an extremely distorted view of reality.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:25 am
by oohrah
I partially agree with some of this to a point. However, to continue the automobile analogy, I do not have to register my car and I do not have to insure it - IF I keep it solely on my private property and never use it in public.
I expect there to be some restrictions once I leave my property and go into the public with my firearm. And I would expect there to be restrictions in place to prevent mentally ill ( and I'll include violent and pathologically angry in that definition) persons from bringing a firearm into the public arena.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:31 am
by Beiruty
oohrah wrote:I partially agree with some of this to a point. However, to continue the automobile analogy, I do not have to register my car and I do not have to insure it - IF I keep it solely on my private property and never use it in public.
I expect there to be some restrictions once I leave my property and go into the public with my firearm. And I would expect there to be restrictions in place to prevent mentally ill ( and I'll include violent and pathologically angry in that definition) persons from bringing a firearm into the public arena.
The only problem, you have specific and individual constitutional right to bear arms. Not so for a car.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:38 am
by psijac
Of course comment sections are closed. These people spew forth the most idiotic things under the first amendment and claim any disagreement is equivalent to violent harassment.
Car registration has not stopped drunk driving or vehicular manslaughter. They don't even want the safe dream world that can only exist in their imaginations. They would have nothing left to blog about, then no one would pay them any attention. Ensuring they would starve from loneliness.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:52 am
by ScottDLS
I would be able to sell my gun across state lines privately to anyone with enough money to buy it. The 50 states would all recognize my CHL from Texas as they do my driver's license. My 16 year old would be able to drive any car/carry any gun we could afford once he got his license. Crazies and felons would be able to by guns, just like cars. I would be able to buy a new M4 automatic rifle with a a grenade launcher and anti-personnel grenades, just like I can buy a Corvette that can outrun the cops. I would be able to carry in NYC, just like I can drive my car there if I can afford the parking/tolls. My insurance company would give me a discount on my gun insurance for taking a certified NRA course and based on my age and previous demonstrated responsibility with firearms.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 12:50 pm
by MeMelYup
oohrah wrote:I partially agree with some of this to a point. However, to continue the automobile analogy, I do not have to register my car and I do not have to insure it - IF I keep it solely on my private property and never use it in public.
I expect there to be some restrictions once I leave my property and go into the public with my firearm. And I would expect there to be restrictions in place to prevent mentally ill ( and I'll include violent and pathologically angry in that definition) persons from bringing a firearm into the public arena.
Their car analogy is wrong. It holds for law abiding people, not criminals. They are not even thinking about stolen vehicles or vehicles with stolen plates that are used in the committing of crimes.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:09 pm
by doncb
"Even as our population rises and our roads grow more crowded, automotive deaths have been in a long, steady decline."
That is due to cars being safer.
"Every car owner and every vehicle is registered. Owners are economically liable for damage inflicted with their cars. Insurance requirements have forced tougher schemes to keep dangerous drivers off the roads."
Yep. That's why the woman that rear ended my wife's car earlier this year had no insurance, no license and the car was not registered or inspected.
"As for my right to hold weapons as a method of “defending” myself from my elected government, that does not exist and has never existed. It is not in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights and never has been found under any Constitutional interpretation we have ever used. Pack the Supreme Court with nine Scalia’s and you still won’t have those rights."
What about my right to defend my family and myself from those individuals that would do us harm. Those individuals that care nothing about the law. That feel entitled to take what they want and when they are caught, cry about what a rough childhood they had and how they were never GIVEN the opportunity that everybody else had.
“First, regarding choice, loosen most of the explicit Federal curbs related to functionality, shape, and other characteristics of guns. They sound good, but they do not accomplish their goals and they needlessly entangle responsible gun owners."
OMG! He actually said something intelligent! And it is 100% true!
I'm surprised he didn't put something in there about "Think of the children.". What a moron.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:41 pm
by mayor
oohrah wrote:I partially agree with some of this to a point. However, to continue the automobile analogy, I do not have to register my car and I do not have to insure it - IF I keep it solely on my private property and never use it in public.
I expect there to be some restrictions once I leave my property and go into the public with my firearm. And I would expect there to be restrictions in place to prevent mentally ill ( and I'll include violent and pathologically angry in that definition) persons from bringing a firearm into the public arena.
I'll agree, except there are specific legal avenues to declare one mentally ill and incompetent to own a firearm. Whom will declare one violent and pathologically angry? Does that reside under the mentally ill umbrella?
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:04 pm
by jimlongley
ScottDLS wrote:I would be able to sell my gun across state lines privately to anyone with enough money to buy it. The 50 states would all recognize my CHL from Texas as they do my driver's license. My 16 year old would be able to drive any car/carry any gun we could afford once he got his license. Crazies and felons would be able to by guns, just like cars. I would be able to buy a new M4 automatic rifle with a a grenade launcher and anti-personnel grenades, just like I can buy a Corvette that can outrun the cops. I would be able to carry in NYC, just like I can drive my car there if I can afford the parking/tolls. My insurance company would give me a discount on my gun insurance for taking a certified NRA course and based on my age and previous demonstrated responsibility with firearms.
And as my license and registration fees contribute to roads that my vehicles that are registered for use on them and that I am licensed to use, then my license and registration fees for my guns will be used to establish a range right at the end of my driveway for my, and my neighbors' use.
Not to mention the vast numbers of unregistered and uninsured vehicles on our roads, with unlicensed drivers, violating DWI laws, seatbelt laws, and every sort of motor vehicle law. I am a scanner listener, have been for decades since I was a volunteer fireman, and the numbers of arrests of people violating our vehicle and traffic laws has continued on a nightly basis.
And of course comments are turned off.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:12 pm
by ajwakeboarder
Comments off. Enough said. However, a small point on the car analogy. You can buy a street legal 707 horsepower Dodge challenger from the factory. In the racing world there are frequently 1500+ HP cars that are street legal. If I can legally buy that, can i legally buy a brand new full auto M4?
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:54 pm
by Kiddkop
The thing the anti crowd will always fail to understand.....
All proposals only effect law abiding citizens. At the moment a person decides to violate the law, there is no amount of regulation that will prevent the illegal act.
I am a person that does not agree that every person is entitled to any weapon they chose just because they are born in U.S. I am satisfied with the background checks for CHL, and would not be opposed for gun purchases. But, I don't think it affects criminal acts with guns. Just as occurred a couple days ago, the ex TV reporter was a law abiding citizen until he chose to violate the law, no regulation prevents him from becoming a murderer.
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:50 am
by Jumping Frog
All these whackjobs think they can spew policies and then delegate the dirty "war-in-the-trenches" job of actual implementation and enforcement to our already overburdened law enforcement.
I'd invite him to have the courage to personally come and try to take my guns. It wouldn't end well.
These people do not realize the bloodbath they are talking about triggering (or they do not care).
Re: Gun control would be easy??
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:52 pm
by K5GU
My guns are much safer than an automobile - no airbags, faulty brakes, faulty ignitions, exploding tires and fuel tanks in my guns!