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Draft Bloomberg

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 12:19 pm
by sjfcontrol
Unfortunately, it's not into the Army... ... 32970.html
Now enter a man who knows a thing or two of drumming up attention (and selling papers) - Rupert Murdoch. Just as massive stock drop has many investors eyeing the financial headlines, the media mogul is stirring the pot, trying to draft fellow billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race.

Re: Draft Bloomberg

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:22 pm
by 2farnorth
Man there goes my respect for Murdoch. It would be a major disaster if Bloomberg should even be close to being nominated. He has soured himself to any real conservative voter. He is not any more of a republican than Obumma is.
Would make a heck of voter's choice between Bloomberg vs Hillary or Biden... :banghead:

Re: Draft Bloomberg

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:50 am
by sjfcontrol
It wasn't clear from the article which party Murdock was trying to draft him for. He's been a democrat, republican, and now independent.

Bit of a loose cannon if you ask me.

Re: Draft Bloomberg

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:18 pm
by VoiceofReason
2farnorth wrote:Man there goes my respect for Murdoch. It would be a major disaster if Bloomberg should even be close to being nominated. He has soured himself to any real conservative voter. He is not any more of a republican than Obumma is.
Would make a heck of voter's choice between Bloomberg vs Hillary or Biden... :banghead:
I would hate to have to vote for Bi Bi Biden, but I would if that was the only choice I had.

Stupid is lesser than two evils.