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Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar: report

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:24 pm
by VMI77 ... its-soar-/
The number of concealed carry handgun permits has skyrocketed since President Obama was first elected, while murder rates have fallen, according to a new report released Wednesday.

Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, and murder rates have fallen from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to just 4.2, about a 25 percent drop, according to the report from the Crime Prevention Research Center.

And the number of permits issued is increasing faster every year. Over 1.7 million new permits were issued last year — a 15.4 percent increase over 2013, the largest such single-year jump ever, according to the report from the center led by President John R. Lott and research director John E. Whitley.
If you're anti self-defense, these stats bother you, so, just make up your own:
But gun control advocates denounced the report, pointing to other studies showing concealed handguns are more frequently used for non-self-defense killings.

“Concealed carry killers are a threat to public safety. The evidence is clear that all too often, private citizens use their concealed handguns to take lives, not to save them,” a statement from the Violence Policy Center’s Concealed Carry Killers page reads.

A spokesperson for the center did not reply to multiple requests for comment.

According to the center, there have been 561 incidents in 36 states and the District of Columbia involving concealed handguns that have resulted in 743 deaths. “Only a tiny fraction of these cases are ever ruled to be in self-defense,” the website states.
Note the familiar way the left lies.....they say incidents involving "concealed handguns" not licensed or legally carried concealed handgun carriers.

Re: Murder rates drop as concealed carry permits soar: repor

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:32 pm
by mojo84
Cant be true. Common sense says more guns more heinous murder. See the blood running in the streets.