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Bloomberg turns to reporters to fight NRA

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:02 pm
by VoiceofReason
Bloomberg turns to reporters to fight NRA with new media site" onclick=";return false;

Your one stop propaganda source for the article you are writing.

I wonder of Bloomberg actually realizes he isn’t “fighting the NRA”, He is fighting ‘THE PEOPLE”. It’s hard to believe he got that rich being that stupid.

My opinion is that he knows He is fighting the people but to come out and say so would put the kibosh on everything he is working for.

Re: Bloomberg turns to reporters to fight NRA

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 3:23 pm
by baldeagle
This is not that hard to figure out guys. The rich always want to control the poor. Bloomberg is rich. Ipso facto....