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What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 2:51 pm
by RPBrown
If you check other, please list it so we know what you wish.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:03 pm
by fickman
In no particular order of priority:
1. Reduction of licensing fees
2. CHLers can carry where off-duty LEO can carry
3. Relax holster requirements for licensed open carry
4. Remove ability to restrict concealed carry on private property via 30.06 signage (I know this is a long shot. I know about the property rights argument. I understand the important role 30.06 played in ever getting a CHL law passed. Still, I maintain that - as long as it's concealed - I have the right to privacy and they can't enforce what they can't detect. If I fail to conceal, then a business is free to ask me to leave. I like the analogy of green underwear. They can have a policy not allowing customers to wear green underwear, but the state shouldn't help them enforce it as long as my underwear is concealed. If they have a legal way to detect the color of my underwear, they can make me leave if it's green.)
5. Unlicensed open carry
6. Campus Carry clean up: tighten up the wording to counter the inevitable abuse of "gun free zone" declarations by universities.
7. Public school carry (concealed, on-person only), including protections for administrators, teachers, staff, and faculty to not be in jeopardy of losing their job.

*Edits to correct typo in #3 and to clarify #7

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:08 pm
by Dave2
fickman wrote:In no particular order of priority:
3. Relax holster requirements for licensed concealed carry
What holster requirements?

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:11 pm
by RPBrown
Dave2 wrote:
fickman wrote:In no particular order of priority:
3. Relax holster requirements for licensed concealed carry
What holster requirements?

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:18 pm
by fickman
RPBrown wrote:
Dave2 wrote:
fickman wrote:In no particular order of priority:
3. Relax holster requirements for licensed concealed carry
What holster requirements?
Whoops! Edited to fix!

Still not used to typing "licensed open carry". . . slip of the mind.

You guys are worse than my wife at understanding the difference in what I said and what I meant to say! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:25 pm
by Vol Texan
I have only one thing on my list:
  • CHLers can carry where off-duty LEO can carry, which I believe encompasses all of the below items:
    • Render useless any and all 'no guns' signs for private business, to include 30.06, 30.07, and TABC red sign. I understand, and fully respect, the value that they have had in the past to get us where we are (without some of them, we'd never be this far), but I hope to see their lifecycle come to an end someday soon. I believe any business owner, manager, or property owner should have the right to ask us to leave for any reason ("I don't like the color of your socks, so can you please leave", "No spiky green mowaks please, but come on back if you color it purple."). However, like some others here, I also hope that reducing it to a sign doesn't cut it. This means that if I open carry into the Sprouts, they can ask me to go (with legal ramifications if I refuse), but if I (properly) carry concealed into Sprouts, they'd never know the difference.
    • Campus carry - codify the legislative intent, so that the liberal elite educators can't make an end-run around the law.
    • Public school carry (concealed only) - so I can visit my daughter's classroom, etc.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:28 pm
by AJSully421
No off limit areas at the state level- is carry at state prisons banned at the state or federal level? I am good with no guns inside of prisons / jails.

Public college: no rules for campus carry of any sort beyond federal restricted areas, no storage restrictions in dorms. Private college: default setting is that CC is allowed, Private campus may pass restrictions and post huge ugly signs everywhere describing their carry restrictions to ensure compliance.

30.06 posted places ( or places where verbal notice is given) of any type must have 24/7 armed security at every entrance, and another roving armed security officer at a ratio of 50:1 per person based on the Fire Marshall's max occupancy rating. Even a tiny convenience store with one person in it would have to have two commissioned security officers 24/7. If are going to ban guns because of "safety"... then, by God... you are going to provide safety.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:12 pm
by sugar land dave
I would like the 30.06 removed from retail establishments.

Places like AMC theaters do not feel safe walking your wife to the car after a movie. Whole Foods does not have security guards to protect my wife while pushing a loaded cart to the car far out in the parking lot. Police most often cannot protect your family without a several minute response time, which may not be good enough if seconds count.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:21 pm
by J.R.@A&M
Assuming the goal was focusing on a priority, I chose "Remove off limit areas where a CHL may carry", which includes improving SB 11.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:32 pm
by RPBrown
fickman wrote:
RPBrown wrote:
Dave2 wrote:
fickman wrote:In no particular order of priority:
3. Relax holster requirements for licensed concealed carry
What holster requirements?
Whoops! Edited to fix!

Still not used to typing "licensed open carry". . . slip of the mind.

You guys are worse than my wife at understanding the difference in what I said and what I meant to say! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Cause we've had practice from our wives "rlol"

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:03 pm
by Bitter Clinger
sugar land dave wrote:I would like the 30.06 removed from retail establishments.

Places like AMC theaters do not feel safe walking your wife to the car after a movie. Whole Foods does not have security guards to protect my wife while pushing a loaded cart to the car far out in the parking lot. Police most often cannot protect your family without a several minute response time, which may not be good enough if seconds count.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:10 pm
by C-dub
Due to the delayed implementation dates for campus carry, the data on the effectiveness of the banned areas will be minimal. However, I would like to see SB11 cleaned up a bit and more restrictions placed on the colleges and universities to further limit their ability to ban CHLs. When I was in college, I rarely returned to my car between classes and spend the entire day and sometimes part of the evening on campus and would enter as many as 4-8 different buildings. They would be anywhere from classroom buildings (different science buildings; various arts buildings for English, history, literature, or languages; dorms, where cafeterias were located; student union, administration). This is for students.

For me, I'm worried that athletic venues will be completely banned. This will affect me because the only reason I've gone onto a college campus in the past ten years is to attend graduation ceremonies and those have all been held in the basketball arena.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:21 pm
by JSThane
My "other" vote is for federal, not state-level. It involves dismantling not only Hughes '86, but GCA '68 and NFA '34, under the 2nd, 9th, and 10th Amendments, as well as the dismantling of any and all licenses needed to own, buy, sell, or carry whatever firearm in whichever manner, nationwide, also on Constitutional grounds. Granted, for that, we need a Constitutionally-honest President AND at least 5 Constitutionally-honest Supreme Court justices, so I'm not holding my breath. But that's my wish list.

Until then, one state at a time. Texas has just taken a couple of very large steps on that road, but it's a long road, and there's still far to go.

Re: What 2A items do you want to see in 2017?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:27 pm
by thatguyoverthere
I didn't see any limitations to state laws, so I'll go big. :lol:

I'd love to see a Federal level reciprocal agreement requirement such that any state that has concealed (or open) carry would be required to recognize a licensee from any other state.

But even at that, we also need to get the Federal Gun Free School Zone Act fixed. Currently, a licensee cannot (legally) carry a concealed firearm within 1,000 feet of any school PROPERTY in another state, even if that state has a reciprocal agreement with Texas. Consider how many schools are in suburban areas, and also how many schools are near the main road through town in rural areas. Then add 1,000 feet from the edge of the property line (not the building itself). That covers a lot of area where holders of licensed firearms are technically prohibited. I understand that most people say the Gun Free School Zone law would probably never be enforced on a "normal" citizen, but personally I'd prefer to not have to be concerned about it at all!

Oh yeah, and fix the campus carry. I foresee the 100 square feet "Guns Allowed Zone" being right next to the 100 square feet "Free Speech Zone" down on the sidewalk by the back entrance that nobody uses. Well, maybe not quite, but you get the point. :banghead: