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CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:34 pm
by gthaustex
There is apparently a new call for investigation into the financial dealings of the NRA and where its contributions go....
The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) has launched a nationwide petition campaign asking the Federal Election Commission and the Internal Revenue Service to investigate “violations of federal law” by the National Rifle Association.
“If donations have been used to support candidates or causes with deception to the donors, there is a likely violation of law,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a former Connecticut attorney general.
I wonder if those supporting these calls would also get behind investigations into the Clinton Foundation. Is this another distraction to deflect attention? The timing is there IMHO... ... 61976.html

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:55 pm
by Middle Age Russ
Since the NRA is essentially a one-issue organization, it seems unreasonable to me that any member would assume that the NRA would support candidates or causes in a deception of the donors/members. Perhaps this view isn't too clear for those afflicted with Progressivism due to the cognitive dissonance they suffer from. It is a pity that their suffering is, in this case, likely to cause both NRA and taxpayer money and effort to be wasted.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:04 pm
by gljjt
This may be a can of worms that that CSGV regrets opening. I suspect their laundry isn't pristine clean.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:18 pm
by ELB
gljjt wrote:This may be a can of worms that that CSGV regrets opening. I suspect their laundry isn't pristine clean.
Except that there is no one in the DOJ or the IRS who would even dream of looking into a left leaning organization. Both of those three-letters are politically corrupt.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:30 pm
by gljjt
ELB wrote:
gljjt wrote:This may be a can of worms that that CSGV regrets opening. I suspect their laundry isn't pristine clean.
Except that there is no one in the DOJ or the IRS who would even dream of looking into a left leaning organization. Both of those three-letters are politically corrupt.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:37 pm
by tms119
It seems the liberals are trying to do the same thing to the NRA that they tried with gun manufacturers. Sue them out of existence.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:32 pm
by SkipB
Its an election ploy.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:56 pm
by The Annoyed Man
We should call on the FEC to conduct an investigation into where CSGV's funding comes from.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:20 pm
by JSThane
The Annoyed Man wrote:We should call on the FEC to conduct an investigation into where CSGV's funding comes from.
If you believe for a moment that this call would end up anywhere but the trashcan at the FEC, then I've got a bridge to sell you. Might as well ask the fox to investigate the coyote for stealing chickens.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 7:32 am
by Oldgringo
Smokescreen...... :totap:

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 9:08 am
by ELB
tms119 wrote:It seems the liberals are trying to do the same thing to the NRA that they tried with gun manufacturers. Sue them out of existence.
Actually the sue-the-gun-manufacturer-in-court strategy has not worked all that well. There move against the NRA is more like their very successful campaign to suppress Tea Party and conservative groups via executive action. In the 2012 race it was the IRS. This time it's the IRS and the FEC. They're going with what worked.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 10:45 am
by Charles L. Cotton
This is Bloomberg-inspired hype with no substance. The NRA went through a multi-year IRS audit just a few years back and we were clean. The NRA has an accounting staff that would rival many public accounting firms in terms of experience and the number of accountants that are CPAs. We are meticulous about complying with the law and IRS regs. This is another part of Bloomberg's attempt to tarnish the image of the NRA, but he will fail in this effort as he has in all others.

Lying anti-gunners are at it again. I apologize for being redundant.


Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 1:10 pm
by VoiceofReason
Charles L. Cotton wrote:This is Bloomberg-inspired hype with no substance. The NRA went through a multi-year IRS audit just a few years back and we were clean. The NRA has an accounting staff that would rival many public accounting firms in terms of experience and the number of accountants that are CPAs. We are meticulous about complying with the law and IRS regs. This is another part of Bloomberg's attempt to tarnish the image of the NRA, but he will fail in this effort as he has in all others.

Lying anti-gunners are at it again. I apologize for being redundant.

Is there any way to make the CSGV pay a price for this tactic?

When I was in school I got into fights with a bully a few times. He quickly figured out he could whip me but I would make it hurt. He decided to leave me alone.

If there is no price to pay then they can use tax payers money at will to beat down the NRA.

Re: CSGV / Demo Politicians Call for Investigation of NRA

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 2:48 pm
by K5GU
If there's any real substance to support such negative and probably false claims, you would not be seeing this kind of "media hype".