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Mutual Admirations

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:49 pm
by J.R.@A&M
Via Twitter, Mar. 28. Another example of Acevedo's smug and elitist views. I agree, Chief. It is too bad you lack common sense when it comes to sensible gun laws.

Chief Art Acevedo: ‏@mohawkjohn You a Doc now? Congratulations my friend. Proud to know you. Safe travels.

John Woods, PhD ‏ @ArtAcevedo Thanks, Chief! Yup, since November 2013. Thanks for testifying again for us, and all that you do.

Chief Art Acevedo ‏ @mohawkjohn Common sense goes a long way in life, too bad we lack it when it comes to sensible gun laws. Be safe my friend & congratulations

Re: Mutual Admirations

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:57 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Acevedo is a statist pig.