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More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:52 pm
by Jim Beaux
The numbers speak volumes.
The number of women packing heat is skyrocketing, especially in Southeast Texas.

In 2014, more than 65,000 women obtained Concealed Handgun Licenses in Texas according to Texas Department of Public Safety. Over 5,000 of those were women living in Southeast Texas.

By comparison, just two years ago less than 4,000 women in Southeast Texas were getting their CHL and ten years ago the number was below 2,000.
:thumbs2: ... cking-heat

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:19 am
by RoyGBiv
My wife and one of her girlfriends are taking the class in April. :hurry:

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:46 am
by SkipB
My wife has her CHL and packs. She has a S&W Lady Smith w/a laser, a Bodyguard .380 w/a laser, a S&W M&P compact in 9mm, and 2 .22 auto's. She loves to go to the range and shoot and always has either her .39 or .380 in her purse. Always buys concealed carry purses. She is into it.

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:04 am
by SRH78
I hope this doesn't come across wrong but IMO, it is even more important for women to be armed since they are typically viewed as easier targets.

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:26 am
by SkipB
That did not come across as wrong, in fact you nailed it. After dark walking from a mall to your car in the parking lot for a female caring a purse and bags. They are prime targets. I tell my wife when you walk out onto a parking lot at night and the hair on the back of your neck stands up, armed or not go back inside and ask security to walk you out.

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:46 pm
by TresHuevos
RoyGBiv wrote:My wife and one of her girlfriends are taking the class in April. :hurry:
Hah! I first read this as, "My wife and one of my girlfriends..." I thought, man that takes courage.

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:34 pm
by RoyGBiv
TresHuevos wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:My wife and one of her girlfriends are taking the class in April. :hurry:
Hah! I first read this as, "My wife and one of my girlfriends..." I thought, man that takes courage.
That would take more than just courage.... it would take.... DISTANCE! :lol:

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:57 pm
by mtnthundr2
RoyGBiv wrote:
TresHuevos wrote:
RoyGBiv wrote:My wife and one of her girlfriends are taking the class in April. :hurry:
Hah! I first read this as, "My wife and one of my girlfriends..." I thought, man that takes courage.
That would take more than just courage.... it would take.... DISTANCE! :lol:
:iagree: .....and I certainly wouldn't encourage either one of them to take a class and get their CHL, :smilelol5:

But on another note, I am proud to say that I was one of those 65,000 women who got their CHL in 2014 :txflag:

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:35 pm
by SewTexas
I've been carrying for about 10 years? more or less. these types of articles make me proud to be a Texas woman

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:00 pm
by philip964
I was in a restaurant today and an attractive middle aged woman at the next table was telling her girl friend that the instructor was telling her to push with this hand and pull with the other. After that the failure to eject problems went away.

So I guess so.

Glad to see this trend!

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:54 pm
by C-dub
My BIL and I are working on my sister. She's come a long way in the last two years. I took her to the range a couple of years ago for her first time to ever fire a gun and then a couple months ago she shot my G21SF and Colt M4. She wanted me to show her how to shoot the rifle so she would already know before shooting her husbands. Her daughter, my niece, also fired a gun for the first time that same day as my sister. She's turning into a fine shooter, but she's not even 20 yet, so a CHL will have to wait a little while.

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:06 pm
by bloodhound13
I was lucky. When I met my wife she had her CHL, a .380 for her person, and an AR-15 for the house. One of our first dates was to the range she had been going to with her dad since she was old enough to shoulder her Savage .250-3000. She has never batted an eyelash when I come home with a new addition. For my 40th I was given a Springfield EMP in .40 S&W, and my 44th this year was a Lew Horton .44 Mag. I told her if we're going down this road, I expect another Nighthawk 1911 for my 45th, and a Guncrafter Industry Model 3 in .50 GI for my 50th.

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 2:16 pm
by joe817
bloodhound13 wrote:I was lucky. When I met my wife she had her CHL, a .380 for her person, and an AR-15 for the house. One of our first dates was to the range she had been going to with her dad since she was old enough to shoulder her Savage .250-3000. She has never batted an eyelash when I come home with a new addition. For my 40th I was given a Springfield EMP in .40 S&W, and my 44th this year was a Lew Horton .44 Mag. I told her if we're going down this road, I expect another Nighthawk 1911 for my 45th, and a Guncrafter Industry Model 3 in .50 GI for my 50th.
What a wonderful wife! Holy gunned up batman! What's in store for your 70th birthday? An Apache attack helicopter? :biggrinjester:

Re: More Texas Women are Packing Heat

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:39 pm
by bloodhound13
Well, like she tells me, she uses our $$ to get me things I won't normally get myself. We have been fortunate that she was able to quit her job after we were married, and she runs the house. In almost 15 years I have yet to go hungry, do laundry, get dry cleaning, clean up anything. We take everything as 50/50 responsible adults/parents (our two chuckleheads (18 and 19) are from her "practice run"), mine is to make the $$ outside the home, hers is to manage the $$ inside the home. She has paid off our house, all 3 vehicles, and we already have accounts set up for retirement. Let me tell you, I have been truly blessed, and I know it.

Oh, and did I mention.....she's hot.