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Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:25 am
by gthaustex
In a pretty lame attempt to show that having guns around results in violence against women, Everytown (Bloomberg funded group) actually does the opposite in my mind. If the woman in the video clip had only had her own firearm to defend herself and her son.

The video shows that restraining orders don't always work and that police may not be able to help you in time. ... ed-defense

Re: Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:46 pm
by OldCannon
Yup. This is getting a lot of buzz about having opposite effects. One interesting argument is that the advertisement portrays women as helpless and men as misogynistic madmen, and that women should cultivate a dependence on police/government to protect them, instead of finding ways to be self-reliant.

No pun intended here, but....Bloomberg and his fools shot themselves in the foot. Again.

Re: Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:05 pm
by RoyGBiv
It takes a blind passion to see this video and think "yeah, if only there was no gun, that would make this never happen".


What did I "learn"?

1. Restraining orders are a worthless tool when you're being attacked.
2. Even when 911 is on the phone, they can't save you. They can only come plug the holes, assuming you're still alive.
3. The real "War on Women" (and on the physically weak(er) and impaired, etc.) is being conducted by the left.

What ET doesn't get is that... "if it wasn't a gun, it'd have been a knife, or a club, or fists, or.... "

Re: Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:54 pm
by Pawpaw
So, if the guy had pulled out a claw hammer or a screwdriver, would the inferred end result be any different? :roll:

Re: Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:14 am
by mlawler
Only problem I see is that the wrong person had the gun.

Re: Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 11:38 am
by RoyGBiv
Awesome sauce! :hurry:

Re: Everytown ‘gun violence' video makes great case for guns

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:05 pm
by Rrash
What Everytown fails to understand is that every gun owner including all the "evil organizations" (i.e. NRA) would agree with their stance that a man with an restraining order should not be allowed to purchase a gun, and the world would be a better place without a gun in the hand of a criminal. What they fail to understand is the inability of even the best law enforcement to stop a tragedy before it starts. Hopefully some of the critical feedback from this video will make some anti gun supporters question their beliefs, or at least be honest that it is about their hatred of guns and not the safety of innocent people.