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Hands Off Those Gun Laws, Judges

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:06 pm
by gthaustex
I try to read news and opinion pieces from all over the media spectrum, if for no other reason than to get a view of how others think and reason (or don't). Sometimes, I am left wondering...really wondering...

This opinion piece would have judges not make any assessment of laws passed by states or cities, but rather leave things as they are, because the leaders of that community know better. I wonder if the author would make the same argument for same-sex marriage laws or abortion...I think not. But, for the 2nd Amendment, it is an argument he tries to make.

Of course, he tries to make an argument that Constitutional rights can always be infringed, depending on the situation. ... udges.html

Sigh. :banghead:

Re: Hands Off Those Gun Laws, Judges

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:13 pm
by MeMelYup
His argument would be valid if our rights were given to us by the constitution, but they are not. Our rights are reaffirmed by the constitution as "God Given Rights (unalienable)," so lawmakers and others cannot infringe or regulate. They can only make laws that regulate the abuse of a right.
Also, a states compelling interest does not overshadow my unalienable right unless I misuse that right and infringe on someone else's rights. Each infringement must be merited on a case by case study and cannot be considered in concert.