Jarrett sees immigration, wage bills getting done
Jeff Cox | @JeffCoxCNBCcom
The Obama administration has its sights set on immigration reform, raising the minimum wage and implementing gun control, initiatives Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett said Thursday are all achievable on some level this year.
"We're going to work with Congress wherever we can," Jarrett said at the Skybridge Capital SALT 2014 hedge fund conference in Las Vegas. "There's still an enormous amount that we want to get done."
She pointed to companies such as Costco and The Gap that have acted unilaterally on raising wages and believes that sentiment will spread.
That's the kind of action she hopes to see in the gun debate.
Congress has been reluctant to infringe on gun owners' rights, but local governments have been more receptive.
"If we can't get it done in Washington, then we're going to get it done at the local level," Jarrett said. "We're not the perfect union yet. We're a work in progress. Collectively, we can make a huge difference."