There is ONE positive outcome if the chump in chief orders our military into a war that nobody from either party wants: the next president will not be a democrat. And not having another democrat in office is imperative to stopping the country's slide into irrelevance. No, it's not worth aiding and abetting the start of another war to achieve it, but it is the one light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel that would come out of this.
Obama ran hard on being the one to restore the nation's image to the rest of the world. His very first day in office, he offended a long-time ally, Great Britain. He has courted those who hate us and chastised those who look to us. He has
on microphone and camera promised future concessions to a foreign leader who does not respect us. Furthermore, he is deliberately obtuse when it comes to acknowledging how global politics works in the real world. About a quarter of the world's nations have liked us, and the rest have hated us for varying reasons. Those reasons run the gamut from virulent politically philosophical differences, cultural differences, religious differences, economic differences, and yes, even something as venal as military genital envy. It's been that way for at least the last 113 years. It takes a blind megalomaniac on the order of Obama to believe that
he can change it.
Vladimir Putin is a pig. A self-aggrandizing pig with no regard for human rights and the absolute cynicism of a practiced dictator. In those things, he and Obama are exactly alike. But there is ONE thing that Putin NEVER does, but which Obama ALWAYS does, and it is that Putin
never puts the interests of other nations ahead of his
own nation's interests. I don't love either man, but I can tell you which of the two I respect more, and it ain't Obama. And neither does most of the rest of the world now. One of the things that Putin is but not Obama, is being a realist. Compare their backgrounds.........
- On the hand, a hardened KGB colonel with his fingers deep into both the domestic and foreign pies during his career, and a LONG experience of confronting the U.S., so he is not only not afraid of us, but his experience with Obama teaches him not to respect us much either. How can you possibly respect the leader of a foreign nation who promises you concessions after he is reelected? Isn't the job of that leader to represent his nation's interests, not your own nation's interests? So now Putin knows that he controls Obama.
- On the other hand, a charlatan national political neophyte whose primary qualification is a drug addled community organizer who "knows about the world because I once lived abroad and have muslims in my family." A man who consorts with KNOWN domestic terrorists and is as unrepentant about it as are the terrorists themselves; who deliberately hides his birth certificate because—legal issues aside—he knows it will be problematic if the public finds out; who deliberately hides his academic records because he knows it will be problematic if the public finds out (possibly from a citizenship perspective too); who sat at the feet of a virulently racist pastor for 20 years and claims not to have seen the racism (because he fundamentally agreed with it, and therefore it's not racism); who served a few terms in the Illinois legislature, and just 2 years of one senatorial term, and THAT resumé is supposed to make him qualified to direct America's foreign affairs.
It's not even a close comparison. Obama is the mouse to Putin's Siberian tiger. The problem is that this mouse has been given ultimate command authority over the greatest military might the world has ever known, and he is likely to use it inappropriately to back up his poor foreign-affairs decision-making. Under Bush and other previous presidents, we at least had the
respect of that part of the world which did not like us. Not any longer. What's worse is that we have lost a large measure of respect from that part of the world which
did like us. Globally, we are less safe because of it. Globally, our interests no longer carry water with anybody.
We have Obama to thank for all of those things, and he is dragging us down with him. I have a deep and abiding lack of respect or any felicitous feelings for the man. He is almost single-handedly finishing off what's left of America. Yes, the other democrats are aiding and abetting him in it, and those that are unrepentant at this point are just as treasonous as he is........ but without his vaunted "leadership," they would not be nearly so effective at it.
Here is what the world sees when they look at the U.S.: a massively powerful nation that cannot make up its mind. THAT makes us dangerous in their eyes because they cannot predict which way we are likely to jump. They cannot count on either our alliance or our enmity. THAT is directly attributable to Obama's presidency, and that is why his presidency is one foreign policy disaster after another.