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Bloomies draw "crowd" of 15...

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:35 am
by The Annoyed Man ... a8900.html
Richmond rally supports more checks for gun purchases
Tour of group backed by NYC mayor makes stop in Richmond
BY MARK BOWES Richmond Times-Dispatch

The father of a young boy fatally shot in the Newtown massacre last year stopped in Richmond on Thursday as part of a “No More Names” national bus tour to drum up support for universal background checks for gun purchases.


Speaking to a sparse crowd — perhaps 15 local supporters — Heslin said one of the simplest things that could be done “to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands” is for Congress to pass legislation that would expand background checks for all firearm transactions, including private sales.


Eleven people, nine from the Richmond area, stood behind Heslin as a show of support and held signs that read, “Guns kill our children,” “Demand Action to End gun violence,” and “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
What happened to the "75% of gun owners" who support increased background checks? :lol:

Re: Bloomies draw "crowd" of 15...

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:54 am
by StewNTexas
The lefties got their 75% figure from the same dark, moist and smelly orifice where they have obtained their information for years.

I do not see this changing in the foreseeable future.

Re: Bloomies draw "crowd" of 15...

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 12:13 pm
by GlockDude26
i've always felt with a private sale if someone was willing to write their info down on the bill of sale including DL # then they're not meaning to go out and do harm with the weapon. if they did turn around and use it you have the bill of sale and are covered. (even though i've bought and sold close to 100 guns and have never had a problem).....just my food for thought