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New concept of self-defense in Commifornia
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:39 am
by VMI77 ... ew-normal/
While the whole video is interesting, note what is said at around 1:40.......Commiefornia self-defense......of course, this concept is meant for thugs only, it would still be jail for the rest of us.
Re: New concept of self-defense in Commifornia
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:18 pm
Julio in the Barrio doesn't give a flip what the Legislature says or does. If I, a life long law abiding responsible good citizen, carry without permit, or fail to heed with any of the seemingly endless regualtions and statutes, I go to jail, lose my licenses, my reputation, my vote, and just about everything else. If Julio gets caught, he goes to hoodlum grad school for a few years, fed, housed and clothed at taxpayer expense. When he gets out, he is tanned, buffed, fit and trained in his chosen profession. Wash, rinse, repeat. The law has no effect on him.
Re: New concept of self-defense in Commifornia
Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:19 pm
by VMI77
JALLEN wrote:Julio in the Barrio doesn't give a flip what the Legislature says or does. If I, a life long law abiding responsible good citizen, carry without permit, or fail to heed with any of the seemingly endless regualtions and statutes, I go to jail, lose my licenses, my reputation, my vote, and just about everything else. If Julio gets caught, he goes to hoodlum grad school for a few years, fed, housed and clothed at taxpayer expense. When he gets out, he is tanned, buffed, fit and trained in his chosen profession. Wash, rinse, repeat. The law has no effect on him.
Where I differ is where you say if he gets caught he goes to prison for a few years. I doubt it...more like six months, if that, or probation, and perhaps even no charges at all. In the video the police are described as saying they're not going to make an arrest because the shooting was in self-defense. You can bet either one of us would be arrested and imprisoned just for having a gun, much less shooting it in the city.
Re: New concept of self-defense in Commifornia
Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:31 am
by tommyg
I used to work in a reform school. The residents were anything but law abiding
most of them came from families where crime was a way of life
To throw them in jail and sending them home amounted to the same thing
Bottom line thugs do not care