Obamacare and the Second Amendment
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2013 7:00 pm
Obamacare and the Second Amendment. The USA has one the best healthcare system in the history of man. So, why Obamacare? Well, Obamacare is less about healthcare and far more about controlling the populous. In its present form, it is designed to fail and it will morph into a single-payer healthcare system wherein each citizen will be forced to subscribe to the only surviving healthcare insurance program, which will be run by the Federal Government. So where is the threat to the Second Amendment? It does not exist at present. However, the framework does. Let us step into the not so distant future. Assuming a Marxist Administration continues in power, it will strive to register and to ban the private ownership of guns, by any and every means at its disposal. One of those means will be Obamacare and the Federal Health Insurance. Suppose the application for the Federal Insurance asks for the number and type of guns owned in determining your health risk premium. You have two choices. You can answer none or reveal all. If at some later point, it is proven you owned a gun and answered none, you could be charged with obtaining Federal benefits fraudulently. Sound far-fetched, try falsifying you IRS 1040 and see what happens. By the way, the IRS will be a big player in administrating Obamacare. Will the premium for gun owners be so high that it will be economically prohibitive to own a gun? Another scenario, you have a member of your family being treated for a mild case of depression, or a child medicated for ADD, and because your doctor sees you admitted you own guns on the insurance record, he advises you to remove all guns from your house and enters that on your computerized Obamacare medical records. All medical providers have or are currently updating their computer systems to comply with Obamacare. I could go on with more imaginary scenarios, but I think you see my point about Obamacare and the Second Amendment. Am I paranoid, you bet I am, as long as we have a government some call Progressive but I call Marxist.
Senator Cruz is one of the leaders in the fight to defund Obamacare. Senator Cornyn has not joined him. Senator Cornyn stood with us in the gun rights battle. Now, we need to encourage Senator Cornyn to again stand tall like a Texan and not be a tool for the Republican establishment.
Senator Cruz is one of the leaders in the fight to defund Obamacare. Senator Cornyn has not joined him. Senator Cornyn stood with us in the gun rights battle. Now, we need to encourage Senator Cornyn to again stand tall like a Texan and not be a tool for the Republican establishment.