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States seek to Nullify Obama efforts

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 12:39 am
by Vol Texan
Infuriated by what they see as the long arm of Washington reaching into their business, states are increasingly telling the feds: Keep out!
Bills that would negate a variety of federal laws have popped up this year in the vast majority of states - with the amount of anti-federal legislation sharply on the rise during the Obama administration, according to experts.
The “nullification” trend in recent years has largely focused on three areas: gun control; health care; and national standards for driver’s licenses.


“Rosa Parks is the beacon of light: If you say no to something, you can change the world,” Michael Boldin, the Founder of the Tenth Amendment Center, which favors states’ rights, told POLITICO.

Read more: ... html?hp=t1
I don't know how successful this could be, but I do like the tone of this article.

The Tenth Amendment is my second favorite one in the Bill of Rights. And yes, along with the Second, it is the one most often abused, ignored, and misinterpreted by liberals and their ilk!

Re: States seek to Nullify Obama efforts

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:46 am
by rbwhatever1
Texas legislators get a big fat FAIL on H.B. No. 553, The Second Amendment Protection Act that wielded the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, 1799, and the 10th Amendment like a broad sword. The great thing about this "Bill that went Nowhere" is that we have some Legislators that read History and understand the 10th. Hopefully more Texans will start reading History to back them up and nudge them along. Obama Care needs to be wiped from the history books. ... ification/" onclick=";return false;