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Federal nullification efforts give local, federal police con

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:29 am
by texanjoker ... ng-orders/

Pretty good article. I always wondered where the feds were when CA was banning guns that I owned that were legal under federal law? Seems they only want to enforce certain aspects of this.
Yet "the law is clear — the supremacy clause (of the U.S. Constitution) says specifically that the federal laws are supreme over contrary state laws, even if the state doesn't like those laws," Winkler added.

The fact that U.S. courts have repeatedly upheld federal laws over conflicting state ones hasn't stopped some states from flouting those federal laws — sometimes successfully.

Re: Federal nullification efforts give local, federal police

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:37 am
by APynckel
Well, after the Federal Government usurped the right to declare laws constutional with the bull ruling of Marbury v Madison (1803), the states have been left with nothing to defend themselves from an overreaching tyrannical government with.

There is no civilized "final" check on the government any longer, without adding lead to the air. What they say goes. :banghead:

Nullify Marbury v Madison.

Re: Federal nullification efforts give local, federal police

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 9:23 am
by wil
Winkler is wrong, the supremacy clause of the constitution specifically says the constitution is the supreme law of this land, as well as any laws in concordance with it. NOT just 'federal law'