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Bloomberg pressures donors over gun control votes

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:43 pm
by gthaustex
Looks like Bloomberg just can't stay away from one of his favorite pet projects...gun control. He is trying to pressure donors into not giving to candidates that voted in a way he didn't agree with.

Meanwhile, his group MAIG is going / sponsoring a bus tour, I guess to hold rallies...
Six months after the Newtown school shooting, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is stepping up his gun control campaign by asking donors not to support Democratic senators who opposed a bill to expand background checks on gun buyers, while a mayors' group he co-founded is embarking on a national bus tour to rally for efforts to curb gun violence.
The Mayors Against Illegal Guns bus tour, which leaves Friday from Newtown, will last 100 days and stop in 25 states. Gun violence survivors and relatives of victims will rally for support of background checks and other measures they say will reduce gun violence.
Bloomberg got hold of a list of donors to various Senators and has directly mailed these donors asking them to drop their financial support because of their previous votes against more gun control measures.
In a letter, Bloomberg asked New York City donors not to support Democratic senators who opposed a bill to expand background checks, which helped lead to the legislation's defeat in April. The letter names Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Max Baucus of Montana and Mark Begich of Alaska.

"I am writing to ask you: The next time these four senators want you to support them with donations to their campaigns, tell them you cannot," Bloomberg wrote to about 1,100 New York City residents who had contributed to the four senators. "Until they show they will stand up for the American people and not the gun lobby, tell them you cannot support their candidacy." ... 20022.html

Re: Bloomberg pressures donors over gun control votes

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:57 pm
by Mx217
The only thing Bloomberg pressures, is my blood.