This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's
Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:35 pm
This administrations illegal, unconstitutional, or just plan wrong activity's
I can't keep up with all the new ones and I keep forgetting the older ones
- Fast and Furious (attempt to change public opinion about the 2nd Amendment by allowing straw man sales to drug dealer front men)
- Benghazi (Why was the ambassador there, what about security, why weren't troops sent in during, why weren't papers at the embassy picked up for weeks, ...)
- Kathleen Sebelius soliciting and spending private funds for Obama Care advertising. (Congress is in charge of allocating funds.)
- IRS (Tea Party, Pro-Israel, 501-3c delays)
- EPA ("Crucify a few in each new town")
- No Gulf of Mexico drilling (Feds lost the lawsuit)
- Recess appointments when the Senate was still in session
- IRS / Obamacare (27 states decided not to play, IRS is planning to give tax credits without legal authority)
- IRS (Illegally acquired 60,000,000 medical records for 10,000,000 citizens, lawsuit pending)
- BATFE requiring reporting of sales of multiple long guns in four border states without legal authority
- EPA (Get 'green' orgs., backroom sue-and-settle to create new regulations without congressional approval)
- James Rossen's news gathering activities are spying
- Wiretapping of AP's phones
- IRS Audits of 'right wingers'
- Auto makers bailouts (Let's close the car dealerships of 'right wingers')
- Auto maker bailout, Giving preferential treatment to unions over bond holders in violition of bankrupcy laws.
- BATFE & FBI investigations of 'True the vote' founder
- EPA boss using fake email address to avoid congressional oversight and freedom of information disclosures
- Eric Holder contempt of congress (failed to produce Fast & Furious documents)
- Eric Holder lying to congress (about tapping the phones of reporters)
- Eric Holder (Can the US kill a suspected terrorist with a drone, while he is eating dinner at a sidewalk cafe in America?)
- Naked body scanners at airports
- TSA (Sexually assaulting children and wheel chair bound grandmothers at airports.)
- Sequester ICE releasing illegal's with pending criminal charges.
- NSA Spying on American citizens in America
- BATFE closing or attempting to close FFL's for trivial paperwork mistakes.
(6/3/2013 updates)
- Raid on Gibson guitar (link is in a later post)
- New Black Panther Voter intimidation (Holder dropped the case even though the Government had already won.)
(6/11/2013 updates)
- Prism - NSA is collecting all web searches, email, credit card receipts, ...
- The US Post Office is photographing every piece of mail. (How hard would it be to convert them into NRA, TSRA, GOA, NAACP, ACLU, ... Memberships Lists)
This is not a complete list.
I can't keep up with all the new ones and I keep forgetting the older ones
- Fast and Furious (attempt to change public opinion about the 2nd Amendment by allowing straw man sales to drug dealer front men)
- Benghazi (Why was the ambassador there, what about security, why weren't troops sent in during, why weren't papers at the embassy picked up for weeks, ...)
- Kathleen Sebelius soliciting and spending private funds for Obama Care advertising. (Congress is in charge of allocating funds.)
- IRS (Tea Party, Pro-Israel, 501-3c delays)
- EPA ("Crucify a few in each new town")
- No Gulf of Mexico drilling (Feds lost the lawsuit)
- Recess appointments when the Senate was still in session
- IRS / Obamacare (27 states decided not to play, IRS is planning to give tax credits without legal authority)
- IRS (Illegally acquired 60,000,000 medical records for 10,000,000 citizens, lawsuit pending)
- BATFE requiring reporting of sales of multiple long guns in four border states without legal authority
- EPA (Get 'green' orgs., backroom sue-and-settle to create new regulations without congressional approval)
- James Rossen's news gathering activities are spying
- Wiretapping of AP's phones
- IRS Audits of 'right wingers'
- Auto makers bailouts (Let's close the car dealerships of 'right wingers')
- Auto maker bailout, Giving preferential treatment to unions over bond holders in violition of bankrupcy laws.
- BATFE & FBI investigations of 'True the vote' founder
- EPA boss using fake email address to avoid congressional oversight and freedom of information disclosures
- Eric Holder contempt of congress (failed to produce Fast & Furious documents)
- Eric Holder lying to congress (about tapping the phones of reporters)
- Eric Holder (Can the US kill a suspected terrorist with a drone, while he is eating dinner at a sidewalk cafe in America?)
- Naked body scanners at airports
- TSA (Sexually assaulting children and wheel chair bound grandmothers at airports.)
- Sequester ICE releasing illegal's with pending criminal charges.
- NSA Spying on American citizens in America
- BATFE closing or attempting to close FFL's for trivial paperwork mistakes.
(6/3/2013 updates)
- Raid on Gibson guitar (link is in a later post)
- New Black Panther Voter intimidation (Holder dropped the case even though the Government had already won.)
(6/11/2013 updates)
- Prism - NSA is collecting all web searches, email, credit card receipts, ...
- The US Post Office is photographing every piece of mail. (How hard would it be to convert them into NRA, TSRA, GOA, NAACP, ACLU, ... Memberships Lists)
This is not a complete list.