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This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:35 pm
by tomneal
This administrations illegal, unconstitutional, or just plan wrong activity's

I can't keep up with all the new ones and I keep forgetting the older ones

- Fast and Furious (attempt to change public opinion about the 2nd Amendment by allowing straw man sales to drug dealer front men)
- Benghazi (Why was the ambassador there, what about security, why weren't troops sent in during, why weren't papers at the embassy picked up for weeks, ...)
- Kathleen Sebelius soliciting and spending private funds for Obama Care advertising. (Congress is in charge of allocating funds.)
- IRS (Tea Party, Pro-Israel, 501-3c delays)
- EPA ("Crucify a few in each new town")
- No Gulf of Mexico drilling (Feds lost the lawsuit)
- Recess appointments when the Senate was still in session
- IRS / Obamacare (27 states decided not to play, IRS is planning to give tax credits without legal authority)
- IRS (Illegally acquired 60,000,000 medical records for 10,000,000 citizens, lawsuit pending)
- BATFE requiring reporting of sales of multiple long guns in four border states without legal authority
- EPA (Get 'green' orgs., backroom sue-and-settle to create new regulations without congressional approval)
- James Rossen's news gathering activities are spying
- Wiretapping of AP's phones
- IRS Audits of 'right wingers'
- Auto makers bailouts (Let's close the car dealerships of 'right wingers')
- Auto maker bailout, Giving preferential treatment to unions over bond holders in violition of bankrupcy laws.
- BATFE & FBI investigations of 'True the vote' founder
- EPA boss using fake email address to avoid congressional oversight and freedom of information disclosures
- Eric Holder contempt of congress (failed to produce Fast & Furious documents)
- Eric Holder lying to congress (about tapping the phones of reporters)
- Eric Holder (Can the US kill a suspected terrorist with a drone, while he is eating dinner at a sidewalk cafe in America?)
- Naked body scanners at airports
- TSA (Sexually assaulting children and wheel chair bound grandmothers at airports.)
- Sequester ICE releasing illegal's with pending criminal charges.
- NSA Spying on American citizens in America
- BATFE closing or attempting to close FFL's for trivial paperwork mistakes.

(6/3/2013 updates)
- Raid on Gibson guitar (link is in a later post)
- New Black Panther Voter intimidation (Holder dropped the case even though the Government had already won.)

(6/11/2013 updates)
- Prism - NSA is collecting all web searches, email, credit card receipts, ...
- The US Post Office is photographing every piece of mail. (How hard would it be to convert them into NRA, TSRA, GOA, NAACP, ACLU, ... Memberships Lists)

This is not a complete list.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:44 pm
by Jeff Barriault
tomneal wrote:This is not a complete list.
It's a good start . . .

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:45 pm
by mojo84
No telling what we don't know about.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:45 pm
by EconDoc
Don't forget the many attempts to identify Constitutionalists, Gun Rights proponents, veterans, and other opponents of the administration's policies as "crazy and potential right-wing terrorists".

:patriot: :txflag:

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 6:48 am
by tomneal

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:09 am
by Grillmark55
Not sure if there are any Glenn Beck fans here, but I remember in 2008 - before Obama was even inaugurated - he said that history will prove the Obama administration to be the most corrupt in history.
Looks like the crazy man wasn't too far off...

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:57 am
by papabear
I am not very smart & sometimes seem to prove it on a daily basis but I could see this coming before the 1st election too..

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:12 am
by Distinguished Rick
What I would like to see is the Senate taken over by the Republicians and hold the House then start impeachment proceeds as soon as they reconvene in 2015. He has to be stopped. Im sure Ted Cruz would not mind leading the way.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:41 am
by tomneal
The main problem with impeachment is Joe Biden.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:56 am
by Grillmark55
tomneal wrote:The main problem with impeachment is Joe Biden.
I'll take Joe over Husein any day. Just give the liquor trucks a direct route into the White House and we won't see uncle Joe till he starts moving out.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 11:09 am
by mamabearCali
Joe Biden would be an imbecile....however I will take an imbecile who can't keep his mouth from telling everyone exactly what is going on to the malicious thug that we have now who is capable of saying something with feeling compassion and then doing the exact opposite.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:09 pm
by bdickens
tomneal wrote:The main problem with impeachment is Joe Biden.
Going from a corrupt, evil, Marxist, Chicago gangster, third-world African dictator wannabe piece of garbage to a merely incompetent nincompoop would be a massive improvement.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:40 pm
by SlickTX
bdickens wrote:
tomneal wrote:The main problem with impeachment is Joe Biden.
Going from a corrupt, evil, Marxist, Chicago gangster, third-world African dictator wannabe piece of garbage to a merely incompetent nincompoop would be a massive improvement.

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:44 pm
by Pawpaw
mamabearCali wrote:Joe Biden would be an imbecile....however I will take an imbecile who can't keep his mouth from telling everyone exactly what is going on to the malicious thug that we have now who is capable of saying something with the appearance of feeling compassion and then doing the exact opposite.
I hope you don't mind my little adjustment to your post. :tiphat:

Re: This administrations illegal/unconstitutional activity's

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 1:21 pm
by mamabearCali
Pawpaw wrote:
mamabearCali wrote:Joe Biden would be an imbecile....however I will take an imbecile who can't keep his mouth from telling everyone exactly what is going on to the malicious thug that we have now who is capable of saying something with the appearance of feeling compassion and then doing the exact opposite.
I hope you don't mind my little adjustment to your post. :tiphat:

You Are correct! The appearance of compasssion certainly not the substance of it .