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More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:45 am
by baldeagle
Made in the U.S.A.: The Role of American Guns in Mexican Violence

Someone needs to ID the weapons in the photo and figure out how many could have actually come from the US.

Re: More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:05 am
by TexasCajun
Although the authors are trying desperately to make a case for increased gun restrictions, they've inadvertently made the pro 2A argument for us. Straw-purchase is already illegal in that NICS is supposed to flag a certain number of purchases within a set number of days. Plus the first y/n question on the 4473 asks about 3rd party purchasing with a fine & jail time penalty for giving a false answer. So IF the US is the major source of gang weapons in Mexico (this is not a forgone conclusion by a long shot), then we need to more effectively enforce the laws that are already on the books; not make new laws that won't fix the problem.

Re: More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:14 am
by VMI77
baldeagle wrote:Made in the U.S.A.: The Role of American Guns in Mexican Violence

Someone needs to ID the weapons in the photo and figure out how many could have actually come from the US.
My response is that besides the fact that it is an obvious lie, it's also totally irrelevant. The drug cartels aren't going to stop killing because they have to buy their weapons from some where other than the US. That should be self-evident to anyone who isn't either a liar pursuing an agenda or a moron. Of course, people like us won't be allowed the opportunity to confront these liars, but I think the way to deal with their lies is to throw them back in the face by simply asking them if they are claiming that if the drug cartels buy their weapons from other sources they won't use them to kill people?

Re: More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:03 pm
by gthaustex
VMI77 wrote:
baldeagle wrote:Made in the U.S.A.: The Role of American Guns in Mexican Violence

Someone needs to ID the weapons in the photo and figure out how many could have actually come from the US.
My response is that besides the fact that it is an obvious lie, it's also totally irrelevant. The drug cartels aren't going to stop killing because they have to buy their weapons from some where other than the US. That should be self-evident to anyone who isn't either a liar pursuing an agenda or a moron. Of course, people like us won't be allowed the opportunity to confront these liars, but I think the way to deal with their lies is to throw them back in the face by simply asking them if they are claiming that if the drug cartels buy their weapons from other sources they won't use them to kill people?

Here is something from a source I consider to be more reliable than many. They break down the sources of cartel guns and where the "90% of cartel guns in Mexico come from the US" line originates. Needless to say, it is actually 90% of the guns DO NOT come from the US, but from other sources, such as military contacts both within and outside Mexico. I'm pretty sure no one in the US is filling out a 4473 in the LGS and then walking out with fragmentation grenades, RPGs and the like, yet the cartels manage to get those somewhere.... ... rcent-myth

Re: More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:55 pm
by bdickens
It is absolutely true that the Mexican Cartels are getting guns from the US. Eric Holder, that %$#&!!, is giving the guns to them.

Re: More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 1:16 pm
by anygunanywhere
What difference does it make where they got them?

The cartels are pulling the triggers.

If I recall correctly there have been many beheadings in Mexico as well.


Re: More recycled hogwash

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:18 pm
by gthaustex
bdickens wrote:It is absolutely true that the Mexican Cartels are getting guns from the US. Eric Holder, that %$#&!!, is giving the guns to them.
He and his cronies may be part of the problem via Fast and Furious,etc. but I don't think they are anywhere near the majority of guns obtained as various govt. entities and countries (Mexico) would have you believe...