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Elected Officials not responding to calls or letters

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:43 pm
by powerboatr
Anyone else noticed that
both the state and federal elected person have been surprisingly delinquent in answering or even acknowledging emails or calls to their office

I send all the fed guys either a phone call, letter or an email once every two weeks and they are not all complaining.
our state guys only one a month on a wide range of issues, some more than one a week
but all in all over the past three years I usually get a note back or a call from an office person acknowledging my concerns or compliments

but the last 3 months, almost a ZERO response, even dependable Hensarling has gone quiet

I was curious if it was the same for others or are they just ignoring me? Which would require me to write 3 a week.

Re: Elected Officials not responding to calls or letters

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:54 pm
by baldeagle
No one told you? All your mail has been and continues to be seized by the Department of Homeland Security. :biggrinjester:

Re: Elected Officials not responding to calls or letters

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:58 am
by 2farnorth
I sent an email to Sen Cornyn back in early December. Finally got the response in late Feb. It was a very generic response.

Re: Elected Officials not responding to calls or letters

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:48 pm
by TexasGal
You don't think they are getting a lot larger volume of calls and mail lately do you? :evil2:
Perhaps overwhelming their staff?

Re: Elected Officials not responding to calls or letters

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 6:25 pm
by RAM4171
It's just you. "rlol"
I feel the same on this forum sometimes. Just take a look at my posts and how often mine is the last in the threads.
I'm a natural born thread killer. :evil2:
If you're tired of a thread pm me and I'll take care of it. :coolgleamA:
ETA: I just checked, maybe I'm just paranoid :smilelol5:
Now I need go adjust my foil hat.