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How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people...

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:50 pm
by APynckel
that they do not need to protect themselves, and that further limiting their own rights will affect criminals at all?

I am sickened to no end. People are so willing to give up their rights to "feel" safer, rather than realize that it's their own responsibility to protect themselves, and that no one will be there for them in a life or death scenario. I literally am dumbstruck, flabbergasted and befuddled by today's current events.

I am afraid like I have never been. How can this be happening to this republic? How can the mob be dictating to the federal gov't its knee jerk reactionary emotional bull feces?

I don't want to register my guns (even though I own 2 suppressors and a SBR), they have no business knowing what I own that is my right. How is this even a question?

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:56 pm
by jmra
Preaching to the choir brother.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:57 pm
by Jeff B.
It's probably as far out from our thought process as protecting themselves and not "calling 911" is to them.

I could go with my theories about where we are in this argument and where it is headed, but it's not within the rules of the board (which I respect).

Many, many people have been conditioned to accept and then to believe that "the state" and all of its appendages will take care of them and anything that could go wrong in their lives. You and I see them as mindless, spineless lemmings, but they in turn see us as anachronisms, throwbacks to an older "less civilized" time. Literally, we are the people that they feel need to be watched and monitored.

And, I think that does a pretty fair job of describing the gap between groups of "Americans".


Jeff B.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:14 pm
by mr surveyor
It's called giving up Liberty to acquire (a false sense of) Security

I believe we were warned about that some 200+ years ago

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:17 pm
by APynckel
Jeff B. wrote:It's probably as far out from our thought process as protecting themselves and not "calling 911" is to them.

I could go with my theories about where we are in this argument and where it is headed, but it's not within the rules of the board (which I respect).

Many, many people have been conditioned to accept and then to believe that "the state" and all of its appendages will take care of them and anything that could go wrong in their lives. You and I see them as mindless, spineless lemmings, but they in turn see us as anachronisms, throwbacks to an older "less civilized" time. Literally, we are the people that they feel need to be watched and monitored.

And, I think that does a pretty fair job of describing the gap between groups of "Americans".


Jeff B.
Then the "right" to vote needs to be amended exclude as many of those as is possible.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:58 pm
by TexasGal
You can thank the public school system and the liberal media. Hitler knew long ago that turning the youth and propaganda turned the entire nation. Our schools from preschool all the way to the highest level are filled with teachers and administrators whose agenda encompasses a lot more than any of us would ever allow. Journalism courses are the among the worst. They have twisted our society to their ends and I believe it was made clear to us all this was gaining steam when they threw Jesus out of the schools. Whether you are a Christian or not, those moral values were the backbone of our nation and in their void we have what we have now. Discipline is no longer about who started it. The mere act of self defense is treated the same way as the act of aggression that started it. We have created a nation of victims who must look first to the teacher, then to the government to "protect" them. I am in my mid 50's. I remember the way it was. I wish there was a simple solution. I think we need to use the tactics minority groups have used quite well over the decades. Parades, marches, protests, and political involvement. We need to be the squeaky hinge. We need to resist this, not for a day, but every day. Problem is far too many gun owners simply do not realize the peril their rights are in because they do not bother themselves to learn what is going on. The media just feeds them their pablum and they look no further.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:44 pm
by chasfm11
TexasGal wrote:You can thank the public school system and the liberal media. Hitler knew long ago that turning the youth and propaganda turned the entire nation. Our schools from preschool all the way to the highest level are filled with teachers and administrators whose agenda encompasses a lot more than any of us would ever allow. Journalism courses are the among the worst. They have twisted our society to their ends and I believe it was made clear to us all this was gaining steam when they threw Jesus out of the schools. Whether you are a Christian or not, those moral values were the backbone of our nation and in their void we have what we have now. Discipline is no longer about who started it. The mere act of self defense is treated the same way as the act of aggression that started it. We have created a nation of victims who must look first to the teacher, then to the government to "protect" them. I am in my mid 50's. I remember the way it was. I wish there was a simple solution. I think we need to use the tactics minority groups have used quite well over the decades. Parades, marches, protests, and political involvement. We need to be the squeaky hinge. We need to resist this, not for a day, but every day. Problem is far too many gun owners simply do not realize the peril their rights are in because they do not bother themselves to learn what is going on. The media just feeds them their pablum and they look no further.
:iagree: but I think it goes farther than that. These same people believe that food only comes from a grocery store and water only comes from a faucet. They are so far removed from the reality of how nature really works that they would be absolutely unable to cope if the infrastructure on which they depend were not available. They live in the cocoon created by TVs and smart phones. In that world, they only respond to what the electronics feeds them.

I fear that we are beyond the point where protests and marches by those of us who would create a squeaky wheel would help. If it isn't on the MSM, the "target audience" will never see it. Need evidence? Try a street survey of people to see how many recognize the name Kermit Gosnell.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:21 pm
by anygunanywhere
Society, as a rule today is a feeling organism, not a thinking organism.

As stated above with regards to the educational system, it has evolved.

Critical rational thought will soon be a lost characteristic for most people, who are the sponges that suckle at the teat of big government, the tyrannical beast that one day will take one step too many.

Our founding fathers were great thinkers. How else could they have created the documents that defined our origin as a constitutional republic? How else could they have justified the reasoning and motivation behind a small group of patriots rising up and defeating the most powerful army that existed at the time?

Such great thought must be maintained if we, the current patriots, the ones who believe in the original literal reading of the Constitution and BOR, are to emerge victorious.


Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:04 pm
by K.Mooneyham
Its collectivism against the individual. The political left (and those they have brainwashed) believe it okay to sacrifice a "few" folks for the good of the flock (of sheep). They don't give the least care in the world about what happens to any particular individual (unless its one of the elites who guide them, some are more equal than others). I suspect this business goes a LOT further back than many folks would care to believe. Look what the Persians tried to do to the Greeks (and many others).

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:28 am
by bdickens
Such is the nature of people attracted to mass movements of any kind." onclick=";return false;

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:23 pm
by rotor
The only reason to pass all of these laws is to have a database to confiscate guns. The only reason to confiscate guns is to completely control society. We don't have to look back too far in history to see this, eg Adolph Hitler. Or perhaps I am just paranoid.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:36 pm
by bdickens
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not out to get you.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:22 pm
by cbunt1
Unfortunately, in my experience, the only way we (as a collective) learn that we are on our own and solely and personally responsible for our own safety and security is to become victims of some incident, either directly or indirectly, and not get any help.

Many of us who grew up "in the country" where there isn't the "support network" figured it out intuitively...get a truck stuck in a ditch, and you've got a 5 mile walk to get a tractor and get yourself out of a jam, for example. And yet, even those type of "minor" experiences are what teach us that we're on our own.

Those who grow up in less rural environments may discover that after dropping the truck into the ditch, in a few minutes someone will be along...hopefully to help, but not always. Again, there's the lesson.

It's a bitter pill to swallow when your car gets broken into and cleaned out, or your home is burglarized, that really nobody can do anything about it, except take a report and provide some paperwork...but usually something like that is a turning point for people.

I know there are strangers out there (and friends I've not yet met) that I can rely on when the chips are down--but I also know that I can't rely on those people being in the right place at the right time, when I need help immediately. I learned these facts through a series of experiences. One of those key facts is that even people who are willing to help may not know what to do, and are so stunned by the incident unfolding before their eyes that they may just stand there amazed...and that you as the person in the middle of it may also do the same thing.

So .... it's a matter of conditioning, and sometimes those conditioning exercises are unpleasant. It's unfortunate, but it's been my experience that this is true.

Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:30 pm
by Poldark
Article from today's American Thinker and an interesting comment section.
Maryland's Second Amendment Nightmare: Coming Soon to a State Near You?
By Jonathan F. Keiler

If you want to see how firearm sales can be effectively banned, look no farther than the so-called "free state" of Maryland. Although Maryland's newly promulgated "assault gun" ban and licensing requirements will not go into effect until October, it is already nearly impossible to reasonably purchase a pistol or other "regulated" weapon in the state, and those who do face waiting periods of 50-60 days and increasing daily. After October 1, with additional training requirements (including range time), fingerprinting, and licensing, it's likely that waiting times will increase exponentially, and that would-be legal gun owners will face periods of additional months, or conceivably years, before they can receive a pistol or other regulated weapon (though nevermore a so-called "assault weapon.") Under this scenario, it's hard to see how many gun dealers will remain in business, or why online outfits would bother to sell here (some already don't).

Going into a Maryland gun shop today is like going into an East German department store in the 1970s or '80s. You'll find little but empty shelves, or shelves filled with weapons already labeled "sold" but whose owners can't yet pick their guns up. Even without Maryland's draconian new gun law, weapons sales in the state are already heavily regulated. Maryland's ambitious leftist Democratic governor, Martin O'Malley, and a pliant Democratic-dominated legislature passed the harsh new measures despite the fact that Beretta operates its U.S. plant in Maryland and threatened to move and take hundreds of jobs with it if Maryland passed the new legislation. That made no difference to the Democrats.

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Re: How can the thought be bred into the minds of the people

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:50 pm
Five percent of the people think; ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
-- Thomas A. Edison