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More Incremental Steps to the Left

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:22 am
by styxx
The new anti gun owner laws in Connecticut were widely promoted as a reaction to and a way to stop mass shootings such as the one in Sandy Hook in December. Read the new law. It would have done nothing, repeat NOTHING, to have prevented the Sandy Hook killings. It is just one more step in the never ending incremental tide designed to remove all 2nd amendment rights from all ordinary citizens. When the second amendment rights are gone, what rights and freedoms will they concentrate on taking away next ??

I was in Connecticut visiting with my children and granddaughter last December. Yes, it was definately a terrible crime. Yes, I want my family protected from such a potential. However, that horrendous crime was committed by someone who was well known to be deranged, and I find it typical of today's continually degenerating society that there is no talk at all of what to do about people who are known to be deranged and what the responsibilities are of those who are fully aware of that situation - quite the contrary, we are expected to protect the rights of the insane and the criminals while diminishing our own rights and freedoms. All we hear is the knee jerk reaction of "Lets hurry up and make some poorly crafted law that will rush to take away more rights from the people who didn't do anything wrong to begin with" - laws which (look at New York, Colorado, and now Connecticut) will have absolutely no effect at all on preventing a similar tragedy from happening again. All they appear to accomplish is to make the Left feel good that they "did something" and remove several more bricks from the foundations of some of the rights and freedoms of law abiding citizens.

Among other things, the law abiding citizens of Connecticut will need a note from some faceless and unelected bureaucrat in the government (an "ammunition eligibility certificate") before they will be able to buy ammunition for their "legal" (definition constantly changing) firearms, and they will be required to "register" magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds. Total registration of all firearms (followed by immediate confiscation of many types) was actually proposed, but could not pass in the state that Colt Firearms has made their home for almost two centuries. The Connecticut liberals had to settle for just another series of incremental but substantial steps . . .

There are more than a few that would like Texas to follow in the footsteps of Connecticut, New York, and Colorado in taking those incremental steps. There are proposed incremental laws up for votes today. If you want to stop those efforts, now is the time to start standing up for your rights and freedoms. See the Call To Action section of the Legislative Session grouping in this Forum.

Re: More Incremental Steps to the Left

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:54 am
by baldeagle
Law abiding citizens had better wake up and in a hurry. Most folks don't want to be bothered with politics. It's a nasty business that attracts shady people who like to enrich themselves at the public trough. For far too long, the good people of America have sat on their hands while their rights were continuously eroded in the name of some supposed good cause. The toilet you sit on, the light you turn on, the refrigerator you get food from, the insulation in your home, the glass on your windows, the car you drive in - all are now controlled by the federal government. It's not a stretch at all to say that freedom may be lost in this generation.

You may find it distasteful, but you need to get active. You need to get your wife and your children active. You need to get your relatives active. You need to get your co-workers active. The long march to tyranny will only be stopped in one of two ways; the ballot box or the cartridge box. Unless you're a fool, you do not want the latter. Unless you get active NOW, the latter may be the only choice left.


Re: More Incremental Steps to the Left

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:28 am
by styxx
:iagree: Roger That.

Re: More Incremental Steps to the Left

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:32 am
by gthaustex
Under discussion here as well:


Re: More Incremental Steps to the Left

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:29 pm
by Grillmark55
Non-gun owners need to wake up and support the Second Amendment and gun ownership. If the politicians can subvert - or even nullify - the Second Amendment, what will they go after next? The only way to protect the things that YOU want protected is to keep the FOUNDATION in tact. The way that the Constitution is being eroded, we will ALL soon be in the same boat; ALL of our rights will be gone and we will be a nation ruled by men, not laws.