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Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:19 pm
by Kythas
They're still blaming Bush.

“This Fast and Furious debacle started under the Bush administration,” Jackson Lee declared. “And it is been evidenced by various reports that it started under the ATL office in Arizona unbeknownst to leadership in Washington DC, at least leadership that came in under the Obama administration in this instance, Eric Holder.” ... slideout=1

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:22 pm
by anygunanywhere
Wasn't Bush 2 responsible for WW2? Didn't he bomb Pearl Harbor or was that Bush 1? I get them mixed up.


Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:24 pm
by RoyGBiv

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:29 pm
by SlickTX
It doesn't matter if it's true or not . . . it just matters if her constituents believe it.

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:34 pm
by anygunanywhere
SlickTX wrote:It doesn't matter if it's true or not . . . it just matters if her constituents believe it.
Respectfully, it does not matter if her constituents believe it either, for they are idiots for electing her to office.


Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:44 pm
by puma guy
Guys, she's talking about "Fast and Frurious", not Fast and Furious. But I think she's incorrect, it was started by George Brush :biggrinjester:

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:00 pm
by Grillmark55
Even if it DID start under Bush, then why didn't Obama STOP it? They make Bush out to be dumber than a sack of hammers, yet he was such a genius that the giant brain of Obama can't solve the problems that Bush left behind? It is almost funny that #1, people like Sheila make these wild statements based on whatever fly's into her head and rattles around till it spills out, #2 the press all just nod their collectively empty heads and never question anything and #3 the low information voters all just sit there "yup, yup dat dere Bush feller shore screwed things up for Prince Barak."
If Texas does secede, can we PLEASE PLEASE send Sheila to California where she would fit in?

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:45 pm
by gthaustex
Every time I tell myself I will not be surprised by the stupidity of some elected official, another comes along (often the same one) and floors me. These people have congressional staffs dedicated to help them. One would think these people would do a better job of not spewing garbage. After all, we peons out here in flyover land can get to the Internet and fact check and read.

The only conclusion I can some up with is that they know they are full of it, they don't care, and neither do their constituents. If they are truly that stupid, God help us all.

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:47 pm
by TexasCajun
Yep, you can't fix stupid. The next time SJL has a thought, she should let it go! (to paraphrase Ron White).

For SJL thinking is like a BB rolling around in a boxcar.... If her vunnables find her useful, then they can have her. At least they're all contained in one district.

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:07 pm
by Dadtodabone
Bush Administration did gun walking programs "Operation Wide Receiver" in 2006-2008 involved 450 guns, the majority of which were not recovered. Fast and Furious, involving 2000 guns, began in October 2009 long after Mr. Bush departed the White House. Ms. Jackson-Lee is, as usual wrong.

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 4:23 pm
by stevie_d_64
Well, I stand by my opinion that she is not the sharpest bowling ball in the bag...

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:30 pm
by K.Mooneyham
SJL is slightly correct, but of course, only so slightly as to be able to say that she isn't flat-out lying. The first (known) program of this type was started during the Bush Administration, and then known as "Wide Receiver". The plan was to take a few semi-automatic rifles, put tracking devices in them, and then sell them to people who would then take them, unwittingly, to the cartels. The plan almost backfired on the BATFE when the thugs who purchased them disabled the tracking devices. The BATFE, from what I gather, alerted the Border Patrol, who helped interdict the weapons before they crossed the border into Mexico. Move forward in time, multiply the number of guns by a LOT, no attempt to put tracking devices in them, actually let the weapons get to the cartels and have a pure political agenda for doing all of this...that is how "Fast and Furious" was done during the current administration.

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:33 pm
by sjfcontrol
K.Mooneyham wrote:SJL is slightly correct, but of course, only so slightly as to be able to say that she isn't flat-out lying. The first (known) program of this type was started during the Bush Administration, and then known as "Wide Receiver". The plan was to take a few semi-automatic rifles, put tracking devices in them, and then sell them to people who would then take them, unwittingly, to the cartels. The plan almost backfired on the BATFE when the thugs who purchased them disabled the tracking devices. The BATFE, from what I gather, alerted the Border Patrol, who helped interdict the weapons before they crossed the border into Mexico. Move forward in time, multiply the number of guns by a LOT, no attempt to put tracking devices in them, actually let the weapons get to the cartels and have a pure political agenda for doing all of this...that is how "Fast and Furious" was done during the current administration.
Not only that, but "wide receiver" was done with the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government. F&F, not so much.

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:27 pm
by K.Mooneyham
sjfcontrol wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:SJL is slightly correct, but of course, only so slightly as to be able to say that she isn't flat-out lying. The first (known) program of this type was started during the Bush Administration, and then known as "Wide Receiver". The plan was to take a few semi-automatic rifles, put tracking devices in them, and then sell them to people who would then take them, unwittingly, to the cartels. The plan almost backfired on the BATFE when the thugs who purchased them disabled the tracking devices. The BATFE, from what I gather, alerted the Border Patrol, who helped interdict the weapons before they crossed the border into Mexico. Move forward in time, multiply the number of guns by a LOT, no attempt to put tracking devices in them, actually let the weapons get to the cartels and have a pure political agenda for doing all of this...that is how "Fast and Furious" was done during the current administration.
Not only that, but "wide receiver" was done with the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government. F&F, not so much.
Indeed, I missed putting that in, thanks for the backup. :thumbs2:

Re: Sheila Jackson-Lee Blames Bush for F&F

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2013 9:08 am
by Liberty
While its pretty clear that Fast & Furious was ill advised, the biggest issue isn't that the program happened, but of the cover up and unwillingness to expose what happened and to hold those responsible accountable. It seems to me that GWB administration was a lot more open and accountable than the Obamian regime.