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Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:17 am
by RoyGBiv
A bit of good news, but the fight is far from over. ... html?hp=l2" onclick=";return false; ... ening.html" onclick=";return false;
Politico wrote:Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Monday that a controversial assault weapons ban will not be part of a Democratic gun bill that was expected to reach the Senate floor next month.

After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor. Instead, it can be offered as an amendment. But its exclusion from the package makes what was already an uphill battle an almost certain defeat.
NyMag wrote:When asked about the reasons behind the decision, Feinstein said, “You will have to ask him [Reid]." The move highlights that it will be difficult to pass any gun control measure in Congress, even without the assault weapons ban.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:00 am
by ShepherdTX
Call me cynical, but I have no intention of backing off the pressure in the slightest until they are completely defeated.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:04 am
by anygunanywhere
ShepherdTX wrote:Call me cynical, but I have no intention of backing off the pressure in the slightest until they are completely defeated.
Buried. The legislation is buried that is.


Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:36 am
by RPB
I had read that Sen Reid was undecided/unsure/on the fence a bit, I tweet "logic" and facts and even "feelings" sometimes along with history and-potential outcomes of anti-gun posturing in future elections to :
@SenatorReid @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats @TheDemocrats @TXDemParty @LibDems

Hopefully someone in their offices read them sometimes.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:54 am
by Redneck_Buddha
Reid's 'A' rating from the NRA is the ONLY thing that keeps him in office. Connect the dot.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:07 am
by OldGrumpy
Reid will cave to Biden/Obama in the end and this will make it to a vote on the Senate floor. Will probably die because they cannot muster the 60 votes needed to shut off debate. :txflag:

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:15 am
It will be managed so that those who need to vote "for" a gun law will get to, and those who need to vote "against" one can do so, for campaign purposes, but getting 60 votes will prevent anything from actually happening.

Nothing happens by accident, and no votes are taken where the outcome and ramifications are uncertain. These guys live by political calculations, and it is hardball at this level.

Remember "The Distinguished Gentleman?"

Thomas Jefferson Johnson: "Terry, tell me something. With all this money coming in from both sides, how does anything ever get done?"
Terry Corrigan: "It doesn't. That's the genius of the system."

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:34 am
by texanjoker
ShepherdTX wrote:Call me cynical, but I have no intention of backing off the pressure in the slightest until they are completely defeated.


Could be a tactic to let us let our guard down. I do NOT trust that person.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:58 am
by stevie_d_64
Some of the old guard that survived the election in 1994, remember the price they paid with the last AWB...

That is a HUGE reminder, that is playing real hard on all of these knuckleheads...

Some will hopefully understand that legislating without virtue, and against unalienable rights is a losing proposition, anyway you look at it...

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:02 pm
by chasfm11
stevie_d_64 wrote:Some of the old guard that survived the election in 1994, remember the price they paid with the last AWB...

That is a HUGE reminder, that is playing real hard on all of these knuckleheads...

Some will hopefully understand the legislating without virtue, and against unalienable rights is a losing proposition, anyway you look at it...
While I agree with you to a point, politics is a game of power. I'm sure that Senator Reid and others would like nothing better than to break the power of the NRA. There are different political realities in 2013 than there were in 1994. If the Dems gain seats in the Senate and take back the House in 2014, there is no question in my mind but that some sort of gun control will be the first thing on the next Legislative session.

All that this has done is to have potentially delayed the inevitable unless the low information voter problem is corrected, at least somewhat.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:09 pm
by RoyGBiv
chasfm11 wrote:All that this has done is to have potentially delayed the inevitable unless the low information voter problem is corrected, at least somewhat.
Not to change the subject (it's my thread so, I'll take some liberty here ;-) ) but Ann Coulter is making exactly this point over the past few weeks in regard to resolving the illegal immigration problem. Her warning?
Ann Coulter@CPAC wrote:“If amnesty goes through, America becomes California, and no Republican will ever win another national election. The state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan will never elect another Republican,”

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:13 pm
RoyGBiv wrote:[...... Ann Coulter is making exactly this point over the past few weeks in regard to resolving the illegal immigration problem. Her warning?
Ann Coulter@CPAC wrote:“If amnesty goes through, America becomes California, and no Republican will ever win another national election. The state that gave us Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan will never elect another Republican,”
I heard Rush Limbaugh making exactly the same point on the drive in this morning.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:27 pm
by TexasCajun
texanjoker wrote:
ShepherdTX wrote:Call me cynical, but I have no intention of backing off the pressure in the slightest until they are completely defeated.


Could be a tactic to let us let our guard down. I do NOT trust that person.
I believe DiFi & her ilk are playing long-ball. They're pushing the new AWB through now, knowing that it won't pass. That way we can celebrate our victory & be glad that the firefight is over. Then when things are settled down & the guard is down, they'll come back with it again. But next time, a lot of the marginal 2A & NRA support will look at the renewed calls-to-action with a "didn't we already do this" attitude.

If AWB 2.0 is truly dead in the water, then the NRA & other pro-2A groups need to go on the offensive & seek to expand the rights of gun-owners. That way it'll be much harder for the real agenda to be pushed through.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:32 pm
The best thing that could happen is that every politician in elected office who embraces these nutty proposals never gets re-elected again. Gun control becomes the "third rail" of elected politics.... touch it and you die. It wouldn't take more than a couple of elections before the folks thinking of a career at the public trough get the message.

Mayor, city council, County commissioner, President of the PTA, Legislator, Congressman, director of the volunteer fire department, etc. nobody gets elected who has favored sullying the 2nd Amendment. They are just kidding when they take an oath to preserve protect and defend the Constitution anyway.

Re: Federal AWB Loses Steam

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:43 pm
by stroo
Ann Coulter isn't looking at history. CRepublicans in California really slid off when Republicans took the very anti-immigration approach she now pushes and lost. George Bush took a different approach in Texas and Republicans now control statewide offices. On immigration, Coulter's prescriptions are prescriptions for killing the Republican party.