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House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:18 pm
by Poldark
House Gop Leaders: We Can Pass Gun Control, Immigration, Without Republican Support ... un-control" onclick=";return false;
After undergoing that unpleasant shock, House leadership hasn’t responded by listening to the concerns of the more conservative members of its caucus. Instead, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said on Sunday that he would be open to ramming through bills without the support of a majority of his own Republican caucus. Not just on small bills. On issues like immigration and gun control, McCarthy said, he’d be open to taking rogue Republicans across the aisle to work with Democrats.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:57 pm
There is more republicans fighting against other republicans than there is between the republicans vs democrats, if the "R" doesn't get their act together soon they will never win another election of any kind.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:38 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Poldark wrote:House Gop Leaders: We Can Pass Gun Control, Immigration, Without Republican Support ... un-control" onclick=";return false;
After undergoing that unpleasant shock, House leadership hasn’t responded by listening to the concerns of the more conservative members of its caucus. Instead, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said on Sunday that he would be open to ramming through bills without the support of a majority of his own Republican caucus. Not just on small bills. On issues like immigration and gun control, McCarthy said, he’d be open to taking rogue Republicans across the aisle to work with Democrats.
Use the "quote" "/quote" tags and people will be able to distinguish your words from any quoted text more easily.
That said, the GOP is in crisis. I was a loyal republican from mid-1993 until November 7, 2012. Not any longer.......and I am far FAR from the only person who has made this move. I have abandoned the GOP, and I have an application on my desk for membership in the Texas Libertarian Party. I'm not even certain that I'll join because I am so fed up with political parties. There is a fine line between good governance and routinely ignoring your constituency. Unlike when you are a rank & file Representative in the House, when you are in
leadership, your constituency goes beyond those partisans who elected you in your home state—a principle which Obama ignores daily—and extends to all representatives from your own party. So when Boehner mimics Obama, we don't get good governance. The GOP has a majority in the House for a
reason, and proper governance dictates that its more conservative nature should offset—not empower—the fascist tendencies of the administration and the do-nothing (unless it empowers Obama) tendencies of the Senate. When GOP leadership threatens to empower the out of control Senate and administration, then it is no longer practicing good governance, it is treating its position of power as a hereditary entitlement, and its arrogance is begging for a populist curtailment.........a curtailment which is itself yet
another threat to the national body politic.
The only way I can keep my blood pressure stable and not stay angry all the time is to stop caring what happens to the GOP.....or to the nation, for that matter. I only care about my family, my immediate community, and my state. Whatever happens nationally, the GOP brought it on themselves by aiding and abetting the looters in the democrat party. It is my opinion that the party's future fortunes are at nearly exactly the same place that the Whig party found itself in the early 1850s, and that unless the GOP reforms itself over the next 2 years, it will be finished as a major party........just like what happened to the Whigs. The truly bitter pill is that all of these things are playing exactly into Obama's hands, whose recently stated purpose is to neuter the GOP as a political force in this country. Since there really is no other major party alternative outside of the democrat party of fascist entitlement, wealth redistribution, racial division, government subsidized abortion, and suppression of the Constitution which can be motivated, marshaled, and mobilized in two short years, the loss of the GOP as a political force means the loss of the nation as a bastion of freedom. THAT tasty morsel, if it happens, will lie squarely on the shoulders of GOP leadership quislings who live to lick the boots of the "loyal" opposition. They're all looters.
But I am past caring too deeply about it. I will continue to vote, and I will support whomever I believe to be the best candidate in any given campaign, but it will be as a libertarian-minded independent, and no longer as a member of the Republican Party. They have lost the right to my loyalty. I gave what was for me significant amounts of campaign donations in the last election. They get no more of my money either. I'm
so done with the GOP. What's really sad.......they've lost my son too. He's voted in two elections at his age, and he already recognizes that the GOP is not the party of the future nor the party of individual liberty, and he told me the other day that he was done with them too. And he reached that conclusion on his own, without any input from me. If even a relative political neophyte like my 23 year old son can see it, it speaks volumes that experienced political operators like Boehner cannot.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:55 pm
by gthaustex
Well said TAM. You are among many others who feel that way. Similar to Ronald Reagan who said that he had not left his party, they left him...
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:17 pm
by CowboyEngineer
I have been a libertarian for quite a few years but have voted for a number of Republicans during that time and will continue to do so if I think they are the best candidate. I will make that decision based on how I believe they will defend the constitution and the freedom of my grand daughters. However, I believe the Republican Party itself has abandoned conservative, constitutional government and is only interested in maintaining the power of its elites. As such, they have become as much an enemy of freedom as the communist thugs who now try to dictate to us.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 8:51 pm
by G26ster
Heck, let's all become Democrats. After all, they are ALL in lockstep with their party line. That must make them a GOOD Party! Is that the litmus test for a party? All members in total blind agreement? That's not why they are winning. They are winning by pandering to the folks that want and need the gov't in their lives. I agree that some Republicans are not representing the views I would like, but what says that if in the future, the Libertarian Party gets a foothold in government they won't do the same. Will none of those members stray from the party message? Will they never disagree amongst themselves? Will they never become corrupted by the political system as so many in government have been? Of course they will. Power corrupts.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:22 pm
by bagman45
And absolute power CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY.....
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:28 pm
by atticus
+1 what the annoyed man said.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 9:59 pm
by K.Mooneyham
G26ster wrote:Heck, let's all become Democrats. After all, they are ALL in lockstep with their party line. That must make them a GOOD Party! Is that the litmus test for a party? All members in total blind agreement? That's not why they are winning. They are winning by pandering to the folks that want and need the gov't in their lives. I agree that some Republicans are not representing the views I would like, but what says that if in the future, the Libertarian Party gets a foothold in government they won't do the same. Will none of those members stray from the party message? Will they never disagree amongst themselves? Will they never become corrupted by the political system as so many in government have been? Of course they will. Power corrupts.
Primaries, they DO matter, if people take them seriously.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:12 pm
by mamabearCali
I am so angry I could chew nails.
What I have to say about these weasels is not polite and not ladylike. I am with TAM. The GOP better get it together or they can take a quick path to perdition.
Wretched sorry excuses for human beings. Wolves in sheep dog clothing. Ferengis that care for no one but themselves. As far as I am concerned any republican (really any American legislator) that votes for anything that infringes on our constitution and the Bill of Rights can share the same name tag with Benedict Arnold.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:12 am
by anygunanywhere
The GOP will save us from gun confiscation and will help us adopt reasonable restrictions and common sense gun laws!
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:28 am
by Bob in Big D
I agree with TAM! I like most of the Tea Party members of Congress. Although I am concerned that Rubio has been compromised. Cruz has done a good job in the short time he has been in the Senate but I will have to wait and see if he can keep it going.
2014 will be a bell weather for the Repubs! IMHO
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:51 pm
by Middle Age Russ
Truly "Fair", "Reasonable" and "Sensible" solutions from the Elitist Federal legislators?? I guess that depends on who you ask. From my perspective it's not terribly likely. These solutions not trampling all over essential Liberty recognized in the Constitution that they swore to uphold?? Several orders of magnitude less likely yet (again in my view, YMMV).
There are surely exceptions, but too many of our elected representatives believe more in polls and democracy (rule of the majority) than in character, conviction and something larger than their own egos and bank accounts.
The only way off the slippery slope our society is on is to embrace the virtues that our Founders knew were essential to the maintenance of this grand experiment in self-governance. We as a nation are doomed unless people of intelligence, conscience and conviction bring those traits to the polls -- in greater numbers than those otherwise inclined.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:47 pm
by Dadtodabone
I thank God that I reside in Texas. I ask his blessings and guidance for those we have chosen to represent us in the political sphere. I continue to acquire the means to care and provide for me and mine. I pray others continue to do so as well.
Re: House GOP Leaders on Gun Control
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:22 am
by jmra
Dadtodabone wrote:I thank God that I reside in Texas. I ask his blessings and guidance for those we have chosen to represent us in the political sphere. I continue to acquire the means to care and provide for me and mine. I pray others continue to do so as well.