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Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:35 pm
by ddstuder
In a town hall meeting, this Colo senator tells everyone to "Sit Down and Be Quiet" as they were standing to support the 2A

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:39 pm
by Zencyl
Wow, that is unbelievable. Hope that video comes back up when she is up for reelection.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:31 pm
by mamabearCali
This is what happens when our representatives forget who they work for and start to think of themselves as petty rules rather than representatives. I hope this is played over and over and over again come reelection time.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:10 pm
WOW! That's hard to believe but what's worse is all the people sat down and shut up just like she said.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:21 pm
by 5thGenTexan
Seems like instead of Democratic Party they think they are serving in the Court of King Barry the First, and us peasants just need to shut up and bow to the Great O's wishes. Someone needs to explain these peasants can and will kick the hooey out of their collective backsides if they keep this up and provide them with a oneway ticket to North Korea, China , or any other assinine country of their choice that they so want to emulate as long as it is at a bare minimum of an ocean away, don't want them skulking back accross the Rio Grande when they figure out it ain't paradise.

Getting sick and tired of this and all the compromising with the scum in the DC cess pool. Looks like the number of TRUE statesmen in Washington might be small enough to count on my two hands.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:30 pm
by jocat54
ALCSTUDIOS wrote:WOW! That's hard to believe but what's worse is all the people sat down and shut up just like she said.
I agree.....that would have been all the more reason to stand up. :biggrinjester:

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:41 pm
by K.Mooneyham
Elitists. They don't merely think they are better than other folks because they've got money, or their dad ran the local bank, etc. No, they KNOW that they somehow have more intrinsic worth than the average Joe or Jane Citizen. Some people are fine with bowing down to these elitists' attitude...and some of us ain't.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 7:49 pm
by longhorn_92
There will be a time when "We the People" have had enough of theses elitists from both parties and there will be hell to pay!

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:26 pm
jocat54 wrote:
ALCSTUDIOS wrote:WOW! That's hard to believe but what's worse is all the people sat down and shut up just like she said.
I agree.....that would have been all the more reason to stand up. :biggrinjester:
Exactly, but after watching the video "those sheep" did as they were told.. I'm almost ashamed to say that people in the other 49 states would have pretty much done the same thing.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:45 pm
by puma guy
longhorn_92 wrote:There will be a time when "We the People" have had enough of theses elitists from both parties and there will be heck to pay!
It's too late for Colorado. It's has been Kaliforniazed. I spent 3 months in Aspen in 1972 and went back in '78. In 1976 there were just a few POs who spent most of their time marking tires with chalk for parking violations on the square. In 1978 I saw 17 Red Saabs PARKED, besides all the ones on patrol. Seemed like every other license plate was California. My girlfriend, now wife, asked who all the people from California could be. I told her they were cocaine dealers, ex-rock stars (same thing),real estate entrepreneurs, cocaine dealers, cocaine dealers and maybe a movie star. I reminded her that since my first visit Aspen had become famous for many things including the Vladimir "Spider" Sabich Target Shoot. Walt Disney should have bought Colorado and turned it into an amusement park or maybe someone else already did.

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:57 pm
by TexasGal
We must not sit down and be quiet. :mad5

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:47 am
by ddstuder
I am a Colorado native.
Now a Texian! :txflag:

This was filmed in my old neighborhood. This has got me seeing RED! You don't tell your constituents to "Sit down and be quiet"

I have posted this all over by email and Facebook!

I commented on her FB page, that she only had 61 "likes" and had many more posts telling her to vote NO!

I won't post her page, but its not to hard to find. If you ever visit Colorado, even just for vacation, please post on her page, to vote against all this. :patriot:

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:41 pm
by bagman45
As has been said, Colorado is the NEW CALIFORNIA. All of the libs in Cali who decided they were sick of all of the Cali taxes, housing prices and crazy laws have emigrated en-mass to Colo. Unfortunately, they've taken their unbelievable liberal confusion to their new state and elected the same type of knuckle-heads to represent them. AND THEY ARE DOING A FINE JOB!! One of my college roomates (brilliant engineer) lives out there, and we constantly spar back and forth about the 2nd Ammendment. He's a really smart guy, but, is happy to repeat the garbage statistics he dredges up on the internet. He's also never shot a firearm. Invited him out several times back in college, but he was more interested in riding his road bike (not that there's anything wrong with that..). They just don't get it, and NEVER WILL! That's why I don't want more Kalifornians moving to our great state; they will eventually tip the balance to stupidity. After all, as has been proven time and again; you can't make ANYTHING idiot proof, 'cause they'll just make a better idiot.... :patriot: :txflag:

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 11:07 pm
by The Annoyed Man
.....the arrogance of officialdom.....

Re: Colo Senator tells Constituents to SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 12:03 am
by bagman45
:iagree: Arrogance, ego and narcissism know NO boundaries. Still, I can't believe that the sheeple there ALL sat down and stopped talking on command. You'd think that at least ONE of them would have had the stones to practice a strong bit of social disobedience, which might have empowered the other wussies to stand back up and shout the offending public servant down. As it is, they deserve what they've gotten themselves into. In the same situation, I'm more than certain that either me, or the useless politician would have been thrown out.... :evil2: :patriot: :txflag: