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Obama's Pelosi II Strategy

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:55 pm
by baldeagle ... stpop_read" onclick=";return false;
Old Washington hands have been scratching their heads about the start of President Obama's second term, with its aggressive liberal priorities and attacks on Republicans. Whatever happened to governing? Well, the answer arrived this weekend as the Washington Post reported that Mr. Obama's real plan for the next two years is returning Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker in 2014.

"The goal is to flip the Republican-held House back to Democratic control, allowing Obama to push forward with a progressive agenda on gun control, immigration, climate change and the economy during his final two years in office, according to congressional Democrats, strategists and others familiar with Obama's thinking," reports the Post, which is hardly hostile to the President.
So the goal is to destroy the country by 2016. Americans had better wake up.

Re: Obama's Pelosi II Strategy

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 7:54 am
by RPBrown

Re: Obama's Pelosi II Strategy

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:05 am
by psijac
They are going to need 17 seats to take back the house. At least 10 democrat seats were won in republican leaning districts and are very vulnerable without Obama on the ticket to bring out his base. Even then it might be possible to flip the senate. There 33 seats up for reelection. 23 of those seats are democrats. We don't actually know the limits of what Obama's voting fraud machine can do.

Point be ready for a battle in 2014, but don't lose any sleep over it. Pelosi predicted a house flip in 2012. if she was any good at predicting the future she would have turned down the botox