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We should all just coexist!

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:47 am
by Z1166
Image ... ticker.jpg" onclick=";return false; in case the image doesn't come up.

Had never seen this, much improved, "coexist" bumper sticker until yesterday at a red light. If your heading to a blue state, please put this on your vehicle immediately so as to not draw unnecessary attention.

Re: We should all just coexist!

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:53 am
by JeffT72
Very well done.

That reminds a couple weeks back when the wife and I were at a stop light. I was checking out the person's bumper stickers in front me. They were all of the very right leaning sorts of stickers. Some humorous, some political, etc. All attached to a truck no less. Directly to the left of this truck was another car with the exact opposite leaning set of stickers. There were the coexist, Obama, and others. All attached to a minivan.

I made a comment to my wife about how ironic (?) a situation to have to directly opposed viewpoints sitting right in front of us in traffic. I only wished I had gotten a picture of it.

Re: We should all just coexist!

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:12 pm
by Divided Attention
We saw funny to us today. My daughter pointed it out on the way home from school. It was an LOL made out of two regular "L"s with the "Obama O" in the middle. They drove off too quickly to snap a picture, but it made us giggle.

Re: We should all just coexist!

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:56 pm
by C-dub
Divided Attention wrote:We saw funny to us today. My daughter pointed it out on the way home from school. It was an LOL made out of two regular "L"s with the "Obama O" in the middle. They drove off too quickly to snap a picture, but it made us giggle.
I had that as my avatar a couple years ago. Image

Re: We should all just coexist!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:13 am
by SewTexas
daughter mine took a worldview class a few years back and one of the lessons was basically "what can you learn from a person by their bumper stickers?" we have a blast now as a family describing a person by the back of their car...some times it's actually scary what information they put on their car, but mostly it's just a ton of fun :lol:

"My corgi is smarter than your honor student"