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Voting Machines Potential Fraud

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:22 pm
by tommyg ... for-obama/

I don't know how reliable the source is but it is scary. When I voted for Mr. Romney there were no paper ballots
There is no way to tell if the machines were hacked. Now it is impossible to audit elections the election system
can be compromised without us realizing until it is too late. Was your vote changed when it was cast :???:

Re: Voting Machines Potential Fraud

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:32 pm
by Andrew
The E-Slates I've seen are pretty foolproof. There is a screen that shows all of your selections for review before you cast your ballot. The problem in Ohio and North Carolina was default programming, no matter what was selected the first choice was always highlighted(Obama alphabetically)and rquired the machine be rebooted.