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TSRA Info report on TX legislature

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:49 pm
by O6nop
just received a TSRA email:
TSRA information report on Texas Legislature
Today in the Texas Legislature
Hot topic bills for Texas gun-owners include:

HB 47 by Rep. Flynn (R-Van) which after a committee substitute would lower the hours for the initial CHL course from 10 hours to "not less than 4 or more than 6, not to include time on the shooting range." With the passage of HB 47, only 6 states out of 39 require more classroom hours than Texas.

HB 508 by Rep. Ryan Guillen (D-Rio Grande City) provides a fine for the improper posting of the PC 30.06 sign at locations such as the entrance to the Fort Worth Zoo, on the parking lot of a school, the door to a city library,or other locations not listed as off-limits in statute and not private property.

HB 698 by Rep. Drew Springer (R-Muenster) would require that digital fingerprinting service be within 25 miles of the applicant. We have CHLs driving hundreds of miles to the closest L-1 printing franchise

HB 700 by Rep. George Lavender (R-Texarkana) a bill allowing a person with a Texas concealed handgun license to have the option of carrying concealed or openly holstered. Expect a committee substitute to create a sign for use by private property owners not wishing to restrict those carrying concealed.

SB 182 by Senator Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) allowing adult students, faculty, and staff with a concealed handgun license to carry into the buildings of colleges and universities. A #1 personal protection issue.

SB 299 by Senator Craig Estes (R-Wichita Falls) would clarify "unintentional display" of a handgun for those with a concealed handgun license.

This list above highlights only a few of the many pro-gun bills filed in Texas so far this session. Filing ends the first week in March.