C-SPAN v. cable news summaries of Senate hearings
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:45 pm
I'm traveling on business today, which means I've spend the last five hours in a hotel room watching cable news (PBS News Hour, Fox News), after listening to talk radio for several hours while in the car. To believe the cable news summaries, today's U.S. Senate hearings on "Preventing Gun Violence" were stacked against 2nd Amendment supporters. LaPierre's testimony got a snibbet of coverage, balanced against former Rep. Giffords and her husband Mark Kelly.
Well, watching the C-SPAN coverage was a lot more illuminating. Wayne LaPierre said a lot of other thoughtful things and provided good rebuttal. Sen. Lindsay Graham, among others, did a great job pointing out the reasonableness of having gun magazines of more than ten rounds. Gayle Trotter, the witness representing female victims and their need for flexibility, was very effective describing women's need for high capacity, and the usefulness to women of assault rifles. David Kopel, the law professor witness, did a great job arguing for 2nd Amendment precedents. Sen. Cruz was thoughtful and balanced in his remarks. Altogether, these witnesses provided a lot of great content which, in my opinion, outscored the opposition on the merits.
Well, watching the C-SPAN coverage was a lot more illuminating. Wayne LaPierre said a lot of other thoughtful things and provided good rebuttal. Sen. Lindsay Graham, among others, did a great job pointing out the reasonableness of having gun magazines of more than ten rounds. Gayle Trotter, the witness representing female victims and their need for flexibility, was very effective describing women's need for high capacity, and the usefulness to women of assault rifles. David Kopel, the law professor witness, did a great job arguing for 2nd Amendment precedents. Sen. Cruz was thoughtful and balanced in his remarks. Altogether, these witnesses provided a lot of great content which, in my opinion, outscored the opposition on the merits.