Next Challenge 3/13/13 Operation Sheriff
Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:45 pm
Ok so this one will be a little different from the rally on the 19th.
As you all are aware many sheriffs have been making news about refusing to enforce any possible unconstitutional gun control laws comming out of DC. Well it's time to get your counties sheriffs attention. On 3/13/13 it is the hopes that we will get all counties to participate in signing a petition to the respective sheriff. The petitions will be available at a central location in the county where it will be available to sign. From what I hear this will take place around lunch and the petition will be around for signatures for a couple of hours.
After the petition is complete, that counties organizer will then schedule a meeting with the local sheriff and present the petition. If your sheriff is a pro second amendment supporter it will be meant as an encouragement to continue and stand strong. If not then hopefully the political pressure is applied to make them rethink their stance.
Again this event will be done in a very respectful manner. It is designed ( if we can get the publicity as we did 1/19) to have higher participation. No long traveling to a rally point and more time to organize the grass roots. Volenteers are needed in uncovered counties. Details are available on the "guncontrolequalsmorecrime" Facebook page or" onclick=";return false;
It's an interesting idea. Lets see if we can get it off the ground.
As you all are aware many sheriffs have been making news about refusing to enforce any possible unconstitutional gun control laws comming out of DC. Well it's time to get your counties sheriffs attention. On 3/13/13 it is the hopes that we will get all counties to participate in signing a petition to the respective sheriff. The petitions will be available at a central location in the county where it will be available to sign. From what I hear this will take place around lunch and the petition will be around for signatures for a couple of hours.
After the petition is complete, that counties organizer will then schedule a meeting with the local sheriff and present the petition. If your sheriff is a pro second amendment supporter it will be meant as an encouragement to continue and stand strong. If not then hopefully the political pressure is applied to make them rethink their stance.
Again this event will be done in a very respectful manner. It is designed ( if we can get the publicity as we did 1/19) to have higher participation. No long traveling to a rally point and more time to organize the grass roots. Volenteers are needed in uncovered counties. Details are available on the "guncontrolequalsmorecrime" Facebook page or" onclick=";return false;
It's an interesting idea. Lets see if we can get it off the ground.