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Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mail???
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:48 pm
by Jim Beaux
Something to think about.
If you use a Gmail or Yahoo e-mail address and are pro-life, support gun rights and oppose ObamaCare, you are funding activities aimed at trashing your own beliefs. ... l-account/
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:51 pm
by teri
Something else to think about...the article is written by Michael Reagan and he wants $40 a yr for you to use his email service.

No matter where you shop or have your email, a liberal and a conservative are profiting in some way, shape or form.

Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:43 pm
by Jim Beaux
teri wrote:Something else to think about...the article is written by Michael Reagan and he wants $40 a yr for you to use his email service.

No matter where you shop or have your email, a liberal and a conservative are profiting in some way, shape or form.

The MR article has plenty of merit, and the point is about funding activities aimed at trashing your own beliefs. It's certainly your call, but I prefer to conduct business with my own kind.
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:57 pm
by WildBill
Jim Beaux wrote:teri wrote:Something else to think about...the article is written by Michael Reagan and he wants $40 a yr for you to use his email service.

No matter where you shop or have your email, a liberal and a conservative are profiting in some way, shape or form.

The MR article has plenty of merit, and the point is about funding activities aimed at trashing your own beliefs. It's certainly your call, but I prefer to conduct business with my own kind.
Use their free email and donate the $40 to your favorite cause.
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:05 pm
by teri
Jim Beaux wrote:teri wrote:Something else to think about...the article is written by Michael Reagan and he wants $40 a yr for you to use his email service.

No matter where you shop or have your email, a liberal and a conservative are profiting in some way, shape or form.

The MR article has plenty of merit, and the point is about funding activities aimed at trashing your own beliefs. It's certainly your call, but I prefer to conduct business with my own kind.
It definitely has merit, I didn't mean to imply it didn't. I just think that it would have come across as not having bias toward if it been written by someone without the last name of Reagan.

How cool is that to have an email address

Unfortunately, it isn't $40 I can spare. I still don't think there is any way to control every penny we spend and where it goes. No matter how careful I am, my $$ will reach out to someone and/or cause that I don't support.

Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:20 pm
by glockstero
AARP members are supporting policies and politicians they otherwise would not support as well. AARP is one of the most ardent liberal supporters out there but most don't know it.
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:55 am
by RoyGBiv
glockstero wrote:AARP members are supporting policies and politicians they otherwise would not support as well. AARP is one of the most ardent liberal supporters out there but most don't know it.
AARP management is even more disgusting than the labor union bosses. ... -paid-for/" onclick=";return false;
An e-mail from AARP lobbyists Nora Super to White House staffer Lauren Aronson on July 23, 2009 said: “We really need to talk. Our calls against reform are coming in 14 to one.”
Yet a few months later, AARP was fully on board and officially supporting the very bill that was overwhelmingly opposed by its members.
“The Democrats’ health care law, which AARP strongly endorsed, could result in a windfall for AARP that exceeds over $1 billion during the next 10 years.”
That’s a billion reasons for AARP to betray seniors and support Obama’s bill.
Sweetening the deal for AARP, the bill created a special, AARP-specific carve-out exempting its Medigap policies from the rate regulations applied to its competitors.
The "Cornhusker carve-out" was just an appetizer compared to the AARP deal that put a billion dollars into a PRIVATE organization to get their support for O-Care. "Picking Winners", indeed.

Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:58 pm
by Rex B
WildBill wrote:
Use their free email and donate the $40 to your favorite cause.
I quit Progressive last year for the same reason. Turned out they were overcharging me anyway.
AARP I never joined because of their politics.
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 1:17 pm
by recaffeination
If by liberal causes you mean freedom of speech, the answer is YES.
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:20 pm
by Jim Beaux
recaffeination wrote:If by liberal causes you mean freedom of speech, the answer is YES.
Libs disingenuously call it freedom of speech, but let's call it what it really is, suppressing school prayer, killing babies, tearing down crosses on hill tops, advocating NAMBLA, teaching our children to accept deviate behavior as normal, denial of our 2nd amendment rights.....
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:09 pm
by TexasComputerDude
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:45 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I guess I'm a traitor to the cause. I actually pay Google $150/year for a three user license to the enterprise version of Google Apps.
Re: Are you supporting liberal causes with your 'free' e-mai
Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:55 pm
by smoothoperator
Talk is cheap. I'm a capitalist and judge businesses based on cost and value provided.