NDAA (national defense auth. act)
Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2012 5:11 pm
In a weird sort of way the presidents signing of the 2012 act to keep funding for our military and other agencies deemed by some proclamation to be defense oriented. This being said, it could be used as a gun control end around. It does contain verbiage allowing you or I to be detained without charge for an unspecified length of time, if there is a small piece of evidence that you could be a terrorist, or insurgent. the definition of those two terms is a broad as it gets
so if as legal firearm owning persons, make a statement that could be deemed as a threat, we could be detained and shipped to Guantanamo bay for an indefinite time. We already know that that big brother is scanning cell calls and emails and forums for certain words.
the president even went on to say he would not use the act to do such a thing.....but we all know elected officials say one thing then turn around and do the opposite.
Hitler did almost the same thing once he was in power and even dismantled the other bodies of government, like our congress.
with this act he could have the justice department essentially remove any congress person on the grounds they may be a terrorist. Imagine how dangerous this could be. its obvious to any normal person that congress does not have our countries best interest at heart.
in fact we could say the president and his administration plus many in congress are terrorists. How ? he/they has not secured the borders, he refuses to move forward with energy production here to make us NOT HELD HOSTAGE by foreign lands, I love that we exported more refined petroleum products last November than we imported, but it does not balance the scales.
we are being terrorized as Americans by a president and congress that wants us to be dependent on other governments. He wants us to be all one WORLD of people and take way our rights as US citizens
i know we must stop thinking out loud. didn't someone in DC pledge to close gitmo? before he changed his mind to keep it open?
so if as legal firearm owning persons, make a statement that could be deemed as a threat, we could be detained and shipped to Guantanamo bay for an indefinite time. We already know that that big brother is scanning cell calls and emails and forums for certain words.
the president even went on to say he would not use the act to do such a thing.....but we all know elected officials say one thing then turn around and do the opposite.
Hitler did almost the same thing once he was in power and even dismantled the other bodies of government, like our congress.
with this act he could have the justice department essentially remove any congress person on the grounds they may be a terrorist. Imagine how dangerous this could be. its obvious to any normal person that congress does not have our countries best interest at heart.
in fact we could say the president and his administration plus many in congress are terrorists. How ? he/they has not secured the borders, he refuses to move forward with energy production here to make us NOT HELD HOSTAGE by foreign lands, I love that we exported more refined petroleum products last November than we imported, but it does not balance the scales.
we are being terrorized as Americans by a president and congress that wants us to be dependent on other governments. He wants us to be all one WORLD of people and take way our rights as US citizens
i know we must stop thinking out loud. didn't someone in DC pledge to close gitmo? before he changed his mind to keep it open?