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TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:15 pm
by jecsd1
Rumor is........the rep from tx district 1 will be authoring an OC bill. Heard it on the OC site

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 1:23 am
by G.A. Heath
At one time I offered to do what I could to help with open carry, to try and follow Mr. Cotton's suggestions. However due to the rather rabid attitude of some (not all) of the folks over at the OC website I can not support any effort that involves them. I simply can not afford to be associated with those folks. So when I see anything that involves them I will simply make a statement similar to this one and proceed to ignore them. To be perfectly honest these folks MUST grow up, get smart, and learn how to play Texas politics. Their efforts to get OC legalized in Texas are doomed until they do so, or until someone who does know how to play the game gets involved. In politics you want to make friends, not enemies.

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:27 am
by FL450
Well said GA Heath. In Addition I have to agree with Mr. Cottons previous statements as well as others on this forum that OC if passed will cause a lot more 3006 signs to be displayed. To much hard work has been done to get where we are today. Let's focus on Campus Carry, Parking Lot Carry, as well as fine tuning what's already in place.

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:37 am
by TexasGal

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:44 am
G.A. Heath wrote:At one time I offered to do what I could to help with open carry, to try and follow Mr. Cotton's suggestions. However due to the rather rabid attitude of some (not all) of the folks over at the OC website I can not support any effort that involves them. I simply can not afford to be associated with those folks. So when I see anything that involves them I will simply make a statement similar to this one and proceed to ignore them. To be perfectly honest these folks MUST grow up, get smart, and learn how to play Texas politics. Their efforts to get OC legalized in Texas are doomed until they do so, or until someone who does know how to play the game gets involved. In politics you want to make friends, not enemies.
:iagree: that is why I do not visit the site anymore.

As much as I would like to see OC get passed I have to agree a lot of the people on that site do need to grow up. I think OC would get rid of some issues (people getting into legal trouble for an accidental "peep show" of the weapon and it would be nice to be able to OC in the summer during some activities).

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:24 am
by jecsd1
wow, thats not really the response I expected. I'm relatively new to TX politics myself. Has OC been attempted before with less than stellar results?

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:47 pm
by 74novaman
Somone else might be able to fill you in with more details, but the basic gist of the issue as I understand it between and this site is that OC people got mad that TSRA wasn't supporting a bill that TSRA hadn't helped write or support regarding open carry, and instead was focusing on Campus Carry. At the end of the session when not much else was going to get done due to chubbing over the Voter ID bill, railed against TSRA and tried to get their bill pushed through at the expense of the Campus Carry bill.

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:08 pm
by jecsd1
so are folks hostile towards or are they hostile towards the idea of open carry?

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:21 pm
by G.A. Heath
Hostile towards some folks over at OCDO, not all but the reputation that the aggressive/hostile few have earned has soiled the reputation of OCDO in many respects.

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:24 pm
by tacticool
The antigunners don't have any logic to support their opposition to gun rights. That's why one of their favorite tactics is attacking the people instead of the issue.

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:32 pm
by 74novaman
I don't think it was the people that was the issue half as much as the TACTICS. Don't get mad at an organization for not supporting a bill they didn't draft and their members didn't tell them they wanted to support. :tiphat:

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:48 pm
by tacticool
TSRA pushed their legislative agenda and the OC group pushed their legislative agenda. That's expected.

The opponents of civil rights chubbed and blocked parking lots, open carry and campus carry. If we're going to get mad, we shouldn't get mad at other pro-gun organizations. We should get mad at the anti-rights politicians who blocked all of us.


Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 5:51 pm
by Salty1
I also agree with GA Heath on this subject, I initially signed the OC petition and after seeing their antics and what I condsider an extremely high degree of unprofessionalism I regret doing so. If there was a way to remove my name it would have been done long ago. Would I like to see OC? Absolutly, and will get behind it when the TSRA places it on their agenda. My concern is that the OC group will get in the way of Campus Carry and the Parking lot Bill, which many people have been working very hard to get passed...

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:15 pm
by Beiruty
the current tx house is almost 66% Republicans and assumed to be pro gun. I would love to see OC amd the other 2 bills Parking lots and campus carry all passed. Unified the pro gun lobby OC or CHL can be a potent driver. Unit do not fight.

Re: TX rep to author OC

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:27 pm
by tacticool
If Texas Republicans are pro gun, they will get them out of committee early in 2011 and pass the whole kit and kaboodle. With nearly 2-1 majorities, there are no more excuses.