Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms

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Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by magillapd »

This is in ref to H.R. 2159.

The Mayor of Hurst, TX is the only Texas mayor that is a member of Mayor's Against Illegal Guns. ... home.shtml They are the group that supports H.R. 2159.

I will not support Hurst with any of my tax dollars in protest to their mayors decision to join this Coalition in an attack on my 2nd ammendment rights, which is what this bill stands for.

Do not shop in Hurst, do not go to the NE mall, do not go to any of their resturants. Do not speed on their roadways as you might pay a ticket to their city. Feel free to write the Mayor and let him know why you will not support his city. Here is the link to the city website with all of his contact information
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by Oldgringo »

When's the next election?
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by TXlaw1 »

AndyC wrote:I asked my brother-in-law about this about a month back and he knew where I was going even before I'd finished the question.

"He's only against illegal guns, and he has guns of his own - he's a card-carrying member of the NRA, for Pete's sake!"

He couldn't answer me when I asked him what exactly an illegal gun was... :???:
The mayor sounds like so many anti-gunners. They have their own guns or bodyguards and see the need for THEM but want to deny that same means of protection from the masses! The "folk" are starting to see this hypocrisy and resent being second class citizens who are being denied their rights under our Constitution and Amendments. Change is coming, starting in November.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by jimlongley »

With words like "U.S. crime guns" (in Mexico) and "Close the GUn Show Loophole" I strongly suspect that they are if not sponsored in whole or in part by the brady bunch, then at least cross pollinated. Many of the "articles" on the web site read just as if they were taken directly from the brady site.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by glbedd53 »

And Rosie.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by i8godzilla »

Maybe a note to the local Chamber of Commerce would have more impact." onclick=";return false;
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by jimlongley »

AndyC wrote:
jimlongley wrote:With words like "U.S. crime guns" (in Mexico) and "Close the GUn Show Loophole" I strongly suspect that they are if not sponsored in whole or in part by the brady bunch, then at least cross pollinated. Many of the "articles" on the web site read just as if they were taken directly from the brady site.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns was founded by NYC mayor, Michael Bloomberg - he's as anti as they come :mad5
My point exactly.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by magillapd »

I found another blog about this from last year, very good read.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

Speaking of malls, there have been numerous posts about
the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, Tarrant County, TX.
This mall is a 30.06 site.

Someone said "I'll just shop at the Hurst mall." Well, now,
we've got a political problem shopping at the Hurst Mall, if
not a 30.06 problem.

Actually, neither mall needs to be visited to buy a new gun. :-)

N. Texas LTC's hold 3 breakfasts each month. All are 800 AM. OC is fine.
2nd Saturdays: Rudy's BBQ, N. Dallas Pkwy, N.bound, N. of Main St., Frisco.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Speaking of malls, there have been numerous posts about
the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, Tarrant County, TX.
This mall is a 30.06 site.

Someone said "I'll just shop at the Hurst mall." Well, now,
we've got a political problem shopping at the Hurst Mall, if
not a 30.06 problem.

Actually, neither mall needs to be visited to buy a new gun. :-)

Last I checked, Grapevine PD had a small station in Grapevine Mills Mall and were adamant that the parking lot was included in the 30.06 notice, even though the notice did not show up until you reached a building entrance. I quit going there in 2001.

The Hurst mayor could be one of those stupid ones who got sucked in by Bloomberg's lies. A bunch quit when they found out what Bloomberg was actually trying to do. He either needs to be properly informed or voted out of Office. Or Both, depending on his attitude.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by Dave2 »

surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Speaking of malls, there have been numerous posts about
the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, Tarrant County, TX.
This mall is a 30.06 site.

Someone said "I'll just shop at the Hurst mall." Well, now,
we've got a political problem shopping at the Hurst Mall, if
not a 30.06 problem.

Actually, neither mall needs to be visited to buy a new gun. :-)

<offtopic>True. Nor do they need to be visited to buy anything else. I suppose malls are useful for passing time, or browsing multiple stores & staying cool (in the Air Conditioned sense of the word), but I can't remember the last time I actually enjoyed going to one. Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time I went to a mall, other than to go to the Apple Store in the Willow Bend mall.</offtopic>
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by Mastodon »

surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Speaking of malls, there have been numerous posts about
the Grapevine Mills Mall in Grapevine, Tarrant County, TX.
This mall is a 30.06 site.

Someone said "I'll just shop at the Hurst mall." Well, now,
we've got a political problem shopping at the Hurst Mall, if
not a 30.06 problem.

Actually, neither mall needs to be visited to buy a new gun. :-)

Find a small Mom and Pop Shop, and if nothing exists anymore buy online.
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Re: Hurst, TX opposes citizens right to Keep and bear arms


Post by JonMcClellan »

Don't forgot that our good friend Bill White was a member of this group while Mayor of Houston. Lets help Perry put him out to the pasture.

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