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The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:06 am
by flintknapper
The vast majority of America's gun owners do not belong to any large scale pro-gun organization.
The NRA is chief among several organizations that actually take legislative actions to promote and secure our gun rights/freedoms.
Still, the NRA is not without it's faults. We have members here that represent a broad spectrum of gun owners across this state. Some, have specific reasons they will not join the NRA. I wholeheartedly support their decisions, but I am curious what some of the objections are.
WARNING: If this thread degenerates into a " NRA members" vs. "non-members" war, I will ask the moderators to lock and delete it. It is NOT my intention to single out, expose, chastise, or belittle anyone for their sincerely held beliefs/convictions.
I believe the best way to increase NRA membership is to address the problems so many people seem to have with it. It will never be perfect, but we should never stop striving to make the organization as strong and respectable as possible.
So.....Ladies and Gents: Whats your beef?
I will start:
1. I need for the NRA to provide "dead accurate" facts that I can use when speaking to anti's or folks that may be "on the fence". Increasingly... I find the NRA resorting to the same tactics the anti's use (parsing quotes , etc).
2. Is it really necessary to fill my mailbox year round with solicitations for funds. I contribute regularly, but I can only imagine the amount of mail that is thrown away unopened. They need to be smarter in this area.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:14 am
by sbb
Flint, I have the same gripe concerning all of the junk mail. If I want merchandise, I know how to visit the website. I send contributions as I can which is usually two or three times per year. Think of the money saved in postage if they eliminated one mailing per year to four million members.
One other point of concern is the lack of a national spokesman/woman for the organization that is dynamic and has gifted oratory. LaPierre has done a great job but seems a bit grating on the nerves. I know that Heston is gone but we need another well known and respected voice to further our cause.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:15 am
by pbwalker
flintknapper wrote:
1. I need for the NRA to provide "dead accurate" facts that I can use when speaking to anti's or folks that may be "on the fence". Increasingly... I find the NRA resorting to the same tactics the anti's use (parsing quotes , etc).
I am a new member, but this would be really nice to have.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 10:41 am
by nitrogen
email the membership hq email address, and ask them to stop spamming your mailbox. They will.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:45 am
by anygunanywhere
I blong to several organizations not related to firearms/RKBA and they all send me junk mail.
I throw it away.
IMHO, this is a poor reason for not joining an organization that supports our RKBA. It can be annoying, but it is far and away less annoying than AWB, microstamped ammo laws, GCA, NFA, and all of the other infringements.
If we are to focus on issues, let's talk about real issues.
I do agree to some degree on the spokesperson comment, but when our beloved leader Charlton Heston was at the helm, we had a dynamic, well spoken, poised, and influential individual standing up for our fight. The message was the same and the anti's response was the same. This makes me think that no matter how smooth the delivery, our message of freedom and the RKBA will still invoke disdain from our foes.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:57 am
by SCone
The core belief with the NRA is the 2nd Amendment, and with few exceptions, that is what binds us together. Without their ever vigilant watch over that core belief, we would not have our guns now. Our rights would have been stripped away long ago. They stand rock-solid on NO COMPROMISE with the words, "shall not be infringed."
There are so many ways to "infringe" on our right to bear arms.
What good is a gun without bullets? What is the difference in 5 rounds & 25? Why can't I carry for my own protection everywhere I go? Why does someone elses wrong-doing become my penalty?
This is where we need the NRA to be ever watchfull of our rights, every one of our rights.
The NRA should get Tom Selleck, he's been a good voice for us before.
As for the spam mail, just OPT OUT from the NRA website.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:56 pm
by flintknapper
Come on folks!
I know there are other opinions out there as to how the organization can be made better, or why you have elected not to join. Lets hear 'em!
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:11 pm
by longtooth
I'm a lifer. I have no real gripe. I am not smart enough to remember 20 facts that are currnet talking points so I rely on the 2 best ones at the time. If it is a borderlind statement then I jsut dont use that one.
I file the mail I dont want to read & mail the cards to politicians that come in the ILA folders.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:35 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I am a life member. I bought my wife a legacy life membership a few months ago. My son is an annual member considering changing his membership to a life membership. Ditto on the junk mail. I don't donate currently as often or as I used to, although I was never rich enough to be a large donator. Unfortunately, my current financial situation simply doesn't allow me to donate at all. Even my tithing is way down simply because my earnings are way down. When things improve for me, I will donate again in the future.
I agree that Wayne LaPierre's strengths are probably better as a tactician than a spokesperson. Beyond that, there are certain things we can do in the culture wars that will increase the importance of our chosen spokespersons. For instance, patronize in large volume the movies, TV shows, books, music, etc., of celebrity NRA members. That gets the attention of media marketers, which will in turn give those celebrities a higher profile platform from which to speak the NRA message. Do to Hollywood what Hollywood did to politics, so to speak.
Defeat the education establishment from within. If more NRA members become educators, then NRA values may eventually co-opt the NEA and other anti-gun eduction associations from within, converting their agendas into gun friendly ones. Remember that the tactics of Saul Alinsky, the political mentor of Obama who advocated taking down government from within, cut both ways. Become conservative moles in liberal associations. If educator associations can be made gun friendly, then programs like Eddie the Eagle will make inroads into the educational system, and kids will once again learn about respecting their heritage instead of reviling it.
Pro-labor politicians aren't always anti-gun. Send communications to labor union members, many of whom are gun owners and enthusiasts, urging them to make sure that their unions support politicians who are gun friendly, or they will vote in new union leadership who will.
On the legal front, I think it would be hard to do a better job than the NRA-ILA has done. They are pure D awesome, and I have no complaints. Plus, they have the wisdom to take the long view, which is far more likely to guarantee our rights in perpetuity than will hot-headed actions which may be right in the spirit, but are tactically and strategically disastrous - as demonstrated by how close the attorneys directly representing Dick Heller came to messing it up for all of us.
One thing which I think that the NRA has failed to effectively communicate is that it is truly a non-partisan organization. They will avidly support a gun-rights friendly Democrat, particularly one with a good record, over a squishy or unknown Republican. We have allowed the MSM to pigeonhole the NRA as a bunch of gun nuts. It would probably be a good move to have NRA members who tend more toward the socially liberal to step up and speak for us as well.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:47 pm
by Nicolai
Want to reduce mail from the NRA? Easy. Become a Life Member. My wife and I are both Life Members of NRA; we hardly ever hear from the NRA except for the monthly magazines and Christmas card offers.
If our retirement incomes were higher, we'd upgrade NRA memberships, be life members of TSRA, and contribute regularly to both those groups. I'm one of those that thinks if you own or are even interested in firearms and the shooting sports, you ought to be a member of NRA and TSRA. Seems like we get a lot for our money with the lobbying done by both of those groups and we like to support them financially when we can.
I'd like to see the NRA really go after new members. Lobby manufacturers to provide more free or reduced-rate memberships with purchases, offer more types of memberships with varying costs for students, members of Scouting groups, and military, and be really creative to address the "it costs too much" excuse.
I posted this elsewhere, but wouldn't it be way cool, if, by Inauguation Day, the NRA had at least a million new members?
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:11 pm
by nitrogen
My big problem with the NRA is that it seems to be nothing but a huge echo chamber to me.
I don't see the NRA doing a lot to promote guns for self defense to people that currently don't believe in it. I mostly see the NRA making fun of them and ignoring their concerns.
The NRA, and gun owners need to get something clear: Groups like the brady campaign, etc have concerns about people's safety. They honestly believe that what they are proposing will help make people safer.
We all know they are wrong; but we have to let others see that, and see why.
Calling someone that follows the Brady's belief system "Lieberal GUN GRABBERS" isn't going to win many converts; it's bullying. It makes us feel better, but that's about it.
I want to see the NRA taking F-rated lawmakers out to the range.
I want to see the NRA talking to F-rated lawmakers about self defense; maybe taking them to gunsite or frontsite, and proving to them that YES, individuals who are NOT police officers can be trusted to defend themselves.
I want to see the NRA talking to F-rated lawmakers.
For all I know, teh NRA already does this, and I'm just ignorant about it. Or I need to know where they go to talk about it :)
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:08 pm
by stevie_d_64
nitrogen wrote:My big problem with the NRA is that it seems to be nothing but a huge echo chamber to me.
I don't see the NRA doing a lot to promote guns for self defense to people that currently don't believe in it. I mostly see the NRA making fun of them and ignoring their concerns.
Every magazine I get has an entire section (page) devoted to recent self-defense shootings around the country...Albiet we probaly have heard of all of them before it gets to print in this and other forums...There are so many of them, that I imagine they have to pick thru the stack of them and post the best ones...If there coulld be a "best" from any self-defense shooting...
The NRA, and gun owners need to get something clear: Groups like the brady campaign, etc have concerns about people's safety. They honestly believe that what they are proposing will help make people safer.
They (Brady Campaign) are not about safety at all...They ARE ALL about literally ripping the gun out of your hand you maniac!!! (again,
![Wink ;-)](./images/smilies/icon_wink.gif)
We all know they are wrong; but we have to let others see that, and see why.
What others are there out there??? You either know the inalienable right you have, and exercise it, or you do not...AS it is readily apparent from our last election, the majority of Americans are too intellectually and morally lazy to seek out this little bit of truth for themselves...We may convert a few, but I see education of those who do not want to learn this stuff to be......Well......hmmmmm, I'm not sure I should say now...But I know what a lot of us will think though...
Calling someone that follows the Brady's belief system "Lieberal GUN GRABBERS" isn't going to win many converts; it's bullying. It makes us feel better, but that's about it.
Like what I was trying to say above...And I certainly do not believe anyone will convert a liberal to take up a pro-Second Amendment stance...It's against their nature...
I want to see the NRA taking F-rated lawmakers out to the range.
And do what???
I want to see the NRA talking to F-rated lawmakers about self defense; maybe taking them to gunsite or frontsite, and proving to them that YES, individuals who are NOT police officers can be trusted to defend themselves.
"F" rated lawmakers already know what this is all about...You will never change their mind about the issue...
I want to see the NRA talking to F-rated lawmakers.
I think that is a waste of time...And who says they would want to talk to one or more of us???
For all I know, teh NRA already does this, and I'm just ignorant about it. Or I need to know where they go to talk about it :)
BTW, nitro...You know I'm just funning with you, I know you are a serious person and respect your position...There is just no way these days that a pro gun-control legislator, or supporter is going to want to "deal" with any of us...So, to me, it would be more therapeudic to send a box of 50 downrange a week if you are so inclined and have LT put in a good word for us to the Almighty to give us patience in the near future...
Besides, I find extreme comfort knowing there are quite a few of us (here) who have each others back...It almost goes unsaid...The NRA is full of members who have your back...I believe they do a good job working for us...
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:09 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Nicolai wrote:Want to reduce mail from the NRA? Easy. Become a Life Member.
That hasn't worked for me. I've been a life member for about 10 years now, and I still get a lot of NRA mail.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:14 pm
by Liberty
My complaints with the NRA are pretty public, but I also understand that they are all we really have to stand up for us.
One of the most embarrassing things to me is that the National parks people claim they got more people opposed to concealed handgun carry in National Parks than Thoseho supported it in our national parks. Where was the NRA and the members when it came to filing comments on this? The NRA might do a lot of quiet fighting for us, but if one lists the failures and successes nationally the failures become glaring. Its as though they are afraid of success. I want my organization to fight for us, and get and receive a few bloody noses.
Things that result as a Milquetoast organization.
There was no public censorship or even ousting of Jonquil Jacksons "5 round" statement. I believe he still a director.
They don't seem to want to work with anyone. Politics is all about working with others forming coalitions, They aleays seem to be confrontational with like minded organizations, such as GOA Libertarians and even Reason. Can't we get along?
They seem to let a what seems to be a very small organization like the Brady bunbch push them around. There just aren't that many of them. We should be walk all over them.
They sometimes seem to be embarressed to be who they are. I was taken aback a few weeks ago when I found out that it was the NRA who was behind not call our hand guns weapons. I got new for the NRA, I and most any CHLer carrys their hand gun because it is a weapon, not because its a tool or instrument of some kind.
As I said the NRA is all we have I just wish they would grow some courage and stand up and fight.
Re: The NRA.....lets talk!
Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:26 pm
by flintknapper
Nitrogen wrote:
I don't see the NRA doing a lot to promote guns for self defense to people that currently don't believe in it. I mostly see the NRA making fun of them and ignoring their concerns.
Its a very hard group to reach.
OTOH, they are certainly "there" for anyone who
wants to look into gun ownership for protection.
The "refuse to be a victim" program has been around for quite some time. Every NRA publication is replete with accounts of ordinary citizens using firearms for self defense. Recently, the NRA has made available a series of "Self Defense" DVD's that may prove helpful to those not able to seek out personal training.