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It’s my vote, not yours. It belongs to me. I choose what to do with it. I choose. No one else. I get to spend my money like I want. So it is with my vote. If I choose to write in Ted Cruz for President it’s my choice. If I choose to not vote. It’s my choice. Not anyone else’s. If I choose to vote Trump it’s my choice. I’m so tired of seein conservatives of all people attempt to belittle and besmirch any person that does as they choose with their vote. I expect liberals to not respect an individual’s freedom in voting. I expect conservatives to respect the freedom I have to do as I wish with my vote. So if I’m peeved that Trump banned bump stocks and that’s my hill to stand and fight on, what’s it to anyone else. If I believe that Trump is a mastermind and will ultimately not betray me, and will vote for him, what’s it to anyone else. Why ridicule someone just because they told you what they plan to do with their vote? Had they not told you, then all is well and you respect the person still.
Distinguished author of opinions and pro bono self proclaimed internet lawyer providing expert advice on what you should do and believe on all matters of life.