TXBO wrote: ..
I don't know any of the particulars. It's reasonable, however, to assume that when you get reprimanded by the court and you have to pay defendant's attorney fees for bringing a frivolous case, you may have gotten bad counsel. I see no lack of morality in exploring that.
The particulars are that these types of lawsuits are frivolous both as a matter of logic and statute, and there are several cases on record affirming this. In the face of this they embraced their "bad counsel" and in fact signed up with their counsels employers as employees, and sought to use their "victim status" to damage innocent parties. They simply chose to roll the dice and see if they could get a judge who will ignore the plain meaning of law (not a bad bet these days!) and maybe force a payment from the defendants to make the plaintiffs go away (which the plaintiffs would trumpet as a political victory). I see no morality in that.
They may have a legal case, and I hope the brady bunch does burn up their time and energy pointing fingers at each other over this, but just like their complaint against Luck Gunner et al, they have no moral basis to complain about their lawyers. This was not a case of an aggrieved party whose independent lawyers had no goal but their client's best interest: these were political allies waging political lawfare, and their battle blew up in their faces.