suthdj wrote:What authority does he even have to vet anyone for gun ownership.
None that I'm aware. Although if you were to lodge a non-anonymous complaint, that's probably enough for probable cause in some circumstances.
I'm not alarmed enough to call him a socialist. And the context here is that some nutty lone wolf just shot up downtown Austin. I am not a fan of the way the chief has run off gun shows in the Austin area, one of those things incidents was really constitutionally "iffy" in my opinion. I think he's trying to block bad guys from buying guns via private party which is really hard to do...
Basically he's saying that if you know someone who has lots of guns and has some pretty strong hatred you might want to be concerned. I think that's valid.... If I had a neighbor that was a little nutty, was really hateful, and was packing all kinds of guns, I'd be concerned.
This is another case of someone who never should have had a gun getting one... How do we address that proactively before someone rams legislation down all our throats and we end up like New Jersey?
I actually like APD better than some of other local alternatives. I've seen at least one officer behave really badly, but in my experience that was a single exception...
The news says that the APD officer that took the bad guy down was 100 yards away (300 feet) holding two horses... You certainly can't complain about that APD officer's ability to shoot. The bad guy had a bunch of other targets on his list.