gward wrote:
..."Trigger-friendly Texans are currently promoting two bills that could change our way of life."...
One, House Bill 937, would permit concealed handgun license holders to bring their firearms onto any public college or university campus in Texas. As of this writing, the bill is being considered by a House committee, according to a March 17 article in The Texas Tribune.
I believe this is a good idea because people can actually have protection for themselves. But at the same time, people will abuse the law, which could result in an increase in injuries and deaths on college campuses.
For example, Wesleyan students planning to transfer to public universities could be soon faced with the prospect of being on campus where people carry guns.
The way I see it, two things could happen if the bill becomes law:
One: crime and violence increase on college campuses. Two: campuses become safer, which is highly unlikely.
I understand the law would affirm our constitutional rights, but this is just plain dangerous. Students could improperly store guns. Or they could accidentally misfire. Also, faculty and staff are not trained on how to protect students in gunfights.
And just how much is this going to cost? The Houston Chronicle reported on March 16 that implementing campus carry could cost the UT system more than $39 million over six years.
That money needs to be spent on education, not firearms. College is a place to learn and grow. We’re supposed to find ourselves here. That’s why our professors encourage different points of view.
But what happens when one student gets mad and takes it too far? What if they pulled out their gun and an educational debate ends up being a tragedy? Or what happens when a student gets mad about their grade? Or gets mad at another student?
The people who obtain concealed handgun licenses are not the people going out and shooting others.
Have 'injuries or death' really increased in States which have concealed carry laws?
It's CRIMINALS who are the problem, not law-abiding citizens who legally carry.
New York City and Chicago, which have extremely restrictive weapons laws, have seen their crime rates soar. But no one wants to speak of the minority gang members who are committing the vast majority of these weapons related crimes.
Chicago has even been caught misrepresenting weapons-related injuries and deaths to make their city SEEM safer.
I doubt if ANY of those GANG and DRUG-RELATED CRIMINAL shootings in NYC and Chicago involve anyone who LEGALLY carries a weapon.
If you want to stop weapons violence, STOP THE CRIMINALS.
Disarming the law-abiding population who have THE RIGHT to bear arms, only makes them VULNERABLE to CRIMINALS who STEAL, RAPE and MURDER.
Taking the weapons away from CITIZENS does NOT DISARM THE CRIMINALS.
Taking away weapons from CITIZENS actually HELPS CRIMINALS.
What kind of abysmal ignorance and naivete does it take for someone to spout the anti-gun stupidity and DECEITFUL LIES as quoted by the original poser?
Or is it really abysmal naivete and stupidity?
What the original poser wrote is more like genuine FEAR-MONGERING.
Perhaps there should be a new talking point shoved in the face of anyone deceitful or stupid enough to make bold-faced deceitful fear-mongering lies like these that come from the anti-gun crowd.
Perhaps it is the INTENT of the original poser and ALL THOSE LIKE HIM, to DELIBERATELY DISARM Americans so as to make them MORE VULNERABLE to theft, RAPE and MURDER.
If those CHRISTIAN STUDENTS in Kenya had been PROPERLY TRAINED and legally carrying concealed weapons, does anyone really think 146 STUDENTS and the 2 security guards who were shot FIRST, would have been killed by just FOUR terrorists?
The terrorists would have instead chosen a 'gun free' college to commit their ATROCITIES and MURDERS.
So much for 'gun free' zones. They might as well be called 'murder, rape and steal from us first' zones. Really!
Again, is it the INTENT of the original poser and ALL THOSE LIKE HIM, to DELIBERATELY DISARM Americans, including COLLEGE STUDENTS, so as to make them MORE VULNERABLE to theft, RAPE and MURDER?
Of course it is, otherwise they would never make such deceitful, lying, fear-mongering and illogical arguments for gun control which fly directly in the face of all the evidence to the contrary.
Those who promote fear-mongering deceitful lies which SUPPORT and DEFEND -CRIMINALS-, are ALSO WOLVES.
People SHOULD push back, not get bent over.
It's your choice.